My Easter Saturday light bulb mystery

A few days ago the light on the computer desk blew. My wife was sitting writing a check out for a bill.. no better time for a light to fade away than when you’re preparing to watch hard earned cash float down the river of bank fees and bill collection. Nonetheless, given the current state of busy affairs for my family, I have not been able to even remember to get to the store to pick up more light bulbs.. It was on my ‘thangs’ to do list.

…and now it’s not.

Because this morning, only moments ago as I write this post, the light actually came back on by itself. Really, it did.  A miracle bulb! Burns out! And re-flares itself!

An Easter Saturday mystery.

I am not lying, the light literally rejuvenated itself while my son was playing Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 (I call it Vegetables vs Corpses to annoy him) .. while I Was laughing about my joke of a name, and also secretly panicking because our dryer suddenly stopped working this weekend, the light literally resurrected itself from the dead.

And while I am not trying to say this is a message from God or a spirit, there is some form of high strangeness that a light, dead, lights up again. Rising from the dead. And what makes this all the more weird: It happened three days after the light burned out…..

Of course, since it is the modern world, the first thing I did was search Google. And found this interesting REDDIT post in the Glitch in the Matrix.. Someone with logic said this:

There may be a logical explanation. Inside a light bulb is a filament: a thin metal wire, coiled up like a spring. Electricity causes the filament to heat up and glow. After many heating/cooling cycles, the filament may break and the light is “burned out”.

However, the little metal spring may only be broken in one spot and could still be bouncing around inside the lightbulb. Sometimes, (due to heating, cooling, or vibration), the little spring will reconnect to the place it broke off from and you’ll get a little more life out of the bulb before it finally burns out for good.

Logic is necessary during moments of mystery.
And the light goes on.

x x x

from Tumblr