Simply by the nature of this season, it is a darker time of…

Simply by the nature of this season, it is a darker time of year.. We are surrounded by the agonies of autumn and the colorful array of ghouls and goblins ready to pounce on our door for candy … meanwhile the real ghouls and life goblins chomp away at our existence.
Yes.. life always finds a way. But in the season of autumn, we are equally reminded that death finds its way as well..

The ageless battle of time and space. Between good and evil.
Between the here and the underworld.. Or as we could call it from STRANGER THINGS, the Upside Down..

Lately things in general seem upside down. I just saw a poll conducted recently of millennial that claims they value democracy and freedom much less than my generation (the one that came of age right before millennials..) I don’t know exactly how true that is.. I would imagine their substantial disdain of Donald Trump would put them freshly in a category of speaking out with free speech against the establishment. But then again a peer onto college campuses seemingly showcases an awkward rejection of freedom of speech, with that occurring from the mouths of people that are disagreed with. I don’t know where that argument goes…

In this autumnal time of demise, we are also hit hard with rumors of warfare. North Korea is hinting at nuclear Armageddon every day. President Donald Trump is blasting ‘fire and fury’ from his mouth at press conferences and his fingers during 3am Twitter hashtag events. We are living in an age of uncertainly…
We are certain about virtually nothing.

When 9/11 occurred, it took several months before conspiracy theories took center stage..and then several years before those same questions led to an investigation in Congress (one that many still believe is not fully done, since the 9/11 Commission report does not even mention building 7 in even a passing glance) .. when the Vegas concert shooting occurred, conspiracy theories were immediate. Second gunman! FBI gun running! The missing security guard! The surreal events and seemingly strange change of stories from law enforcement have done nothing to quell those theories. In our modern age, we are quicker to question than we are to accept. Perhaps that’s a good thing. But coupled with the uncertainly that exists worldwide, its goodness and honestly may lead to paranoia and fear of unknown forces we believe are keeping us confined to a mortal realm…

October is a colder time. Leaves are changing and trees will become barren. There is beauty in this death dance around us. Colorful arrays make trees look like bouquets at wedding parties. Each leaf illustrates a life..a span of time it was young and healthy, green and aged.. and brown and shriveled.. IT is a yearly reminder of impending doom–but a reminder than we need to gather the rosebuds while we may since old time is still a flying..

You can look at October, the autumn, and Halloween, in two different ways–minus the marketing ploys and gimmicks of big corporations. I am talking about reality..
You can believe it is a dark time, one that should be avoided.. you can be frightened of the ‘spirits’ of Halloween. You can take an approach, more perhaps on the zealous religious side, that Halloween itself is of the devil.. of paganism.. of tradition that we want to shed ourselves with …

You can be like me and immerse yourself in this time of year. Pagan? Okay sure, sir. So is Christmas and Easter, and the days of the week.. So when you’re wearing your “Sunday” best, be sure to stare to the heavens and worship the sun.. okay?
Not to be flippant, but our pale blue dot in space is just one of many millions, or billions, or trillions of planets within millions or billions or trillions of solar systems within millions or billions or trillions of galaxies.. and maybe millions or billions or trillions of universes …. We are infantile in our thoughts. And even more so, infant in our age. How old are other life forms in the span of space and time? How many other intelligent species may exist.. Conjuring spirits on earth seems minuscule compared to the universe around us. Perhaps we are the demons of the galaxy! Perhaps WE are the life forms of least desire…

This is the time of year to think of these things.. To conjure the spiritual and accept trials and tribulations of doubt.
October, with its darker landscape and atmosphere of fear, you can shed the space between this world and the other….channel the peace of your mind.. Focus your strength on examining your spirit and place your soul on a path of enlightenment..

Because the ‘sun’ will rise soon again.

It always does. After deaths finds its way, life does, too.

from Tumblr