RED FRIDAY: Could we have seen the last days of shopping madness

For years it was one of my favorite post-Thanksgiving day traditions: Late at night, going to a mall or local Walmart … watching the madness. Watching the arguments.. seeing people at a high-pitched fever of turkey-filled daze.. as they graze on products from aisle to aisle. Searching for the perfect ‘something’ that would light up someone else’s face on Christmas morning.  I equally enjoyed news accounts of massive brawls, punches, and products being torn and tattered in the heat of the battle.

Are those days finally gone?

We have seen an enormous amount of change in our every day lives.. the quickening has sped up. We are just about ready to turn from era to another. Aquarius is upon us.. the old order is leaving.

Online shopping is replacing just about every reason a mall should exist. My own local mall is closed and the building is set to be torn down in 2018 (try to get here while you can Seph Lawless!) …

Even though stores are opening within minutes of this post being completed, such as Macy’s and Walmart, I am just not so sure Black Friday will be in the black anymore. 

Last year was rough for retail–at least stores that rely on four walls and a roof to house their products. Amazon, with its unscrupulous market of independent contractors without protection getting the chance to quickly deliver your Chinese-made goods to your doorstep, is setting the trend. Other stores that are smart are focusing more on online retail.

And yes, I think mainstream USA is missed. And soon malls will be missed as much as small town stores. Online has taken over our very existence.

I have extremely fond memories of shopping during the Christmas season in my youth. Now I scroll through products like a lifeless zombie on the NET. And hate myself for it.

I want shopping to return again.
I want the fights back.. the petty arguments.
I want the ‘feeling’ of the season to return, in all its capitalist hell.

Instead? …Red Friday is replacing the profits.

Goodbye old world.
The stores will be empty.

And the products will be devoid of life.