The life changing moments

This past week I learned that a truly wonderful person left this planet. She was a kind hearted who led her family through good times and bad. 

I have had a bit of a writer’s block lately. I am going through a little bit of a transition myself.

The news couldn’t be more interesting. Donald Trump tweeting about FBI raids on his lawyer’s office due to a porn star scandal. How salacious can you get! A nude protester interrupting Bill Cosby’s trial! Mark Zuckerberg himself appearing before Congress to testify about giving away our secrets to third party companies and Russians! Disasters in the weather world! Major motion pictures! Winter storms!

And maybe it is just information overload.

I opened this post with a brief note about a friend, Kim, who passed away this week. When I met her my life was in a different place. Just after high school and a whole set of different people in my life than what exists now.

Seven year cycles.

There is a theory and belief among some that every seven years, your Chakra changes.

Seven seems to be the magic number. The time when your cells change. The time when your mind and spirit may as well.

0-7 Years – 7-14 Years – 14-21 Years – 21-28 Years – 28-35 Years – 35-42 Years – 42-49 Years – 49-56 Years – 56-63 Years – 63-70 Years – 70-77 Years – 77-84 Years

The period I am in now seems accurate:

From the thirty-fifth to the forty-second year, depending upon one’s personality and what one’s circumstances allow, one begins to feel a new restlessness. In some degree a desire to share whatever one has gained through life with others comes to the surface.

Thus we find many successful business men building libraries, or aiding colleges and the arts at this period in their life. What has been developed or realised can be taken to greater subtlety during this period. This is almost like unfolding something, perhaps similar to the way a flower unfolds a bud that has been developing in earlier phases of its growth. This is when we reassess the results of what we are doing externally in our life. Our relationships, careers, habits and the ways we interact are all put under scrutiny and modified or changed. It’s a time of facing up to what does and what doesn’t satisfy us.

You may reach heights or realisation and creativity not touched previously. The profound breakthrough of ones innate genius that emerges around this time will no doubt be expressed in some degree. However, whatever is attained or realised will be enlarged and synthesised in later periods.

Perhaps this is why the writer’s block is coming to fruition. The culmination of a change.. Our relationships, careers, habits and the ways we interact are all put under scrutiny and modified or changed. It’s a time of facing up to what does and what doesn’t satisfy us.

Indeed it exist like that.. a time when, in this seven year cycle, a mall indeed is also being taken away from our very existence……memories written on walls that now crashed down.

All in all it’s another brick out of the wall.

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As the seven year cycle evolves…