My favorite Martian

Organic matter has been found on Mars in soil samples taken from 3 billion-year-old mudstone in the Gale crater by the Curiosity rover, NASA announced Thursday. The rover has also detected methane in the Martian atmosphere.

If you think we’ve been here before we have.. for a few decades we have been made aware of these discoveries of chemical compounds harboring the building blocks of life . Heck even Bill Clinton had a press conference in the late 90s bragging of some cool scientific achievements.

So what makes this new discovery even more formidable?

NASA says had spotted organic molecules in ancient Red Planet rocks and identified a seasonal cycle in the concentration of atmospheric methane, suggesting that the gas is leaking from underground reservoirs.

It is very interesting, us earthlings.. We focus so much time and attention on the red planet. So much vast amount of thought goes into whether life was or is on Mars.. whether it can be in the future.

Does it feel like we, as humans, all sort of think of Mars as home?

Perhaps the story of Noah, with his boat to escape the ravages of a flood, are just misguided. Maybe Noah existed. Maybe his boat was a spaceship… and it flew from Mars to Earth to escape the awful time where Martian life as a whole ended.

……red dreams from me.

Until we know for sure, we know this: The building blocks are there. Now we just have to find out if someone can still build.