Outspoken radio host John B. Wells became a weekend host sensation during the early 2000teens … Coast to Coast AM hired him on as the official weekend host … However, as Wells began treading controversial waters for the program’s PREMIERE RADIO NETWORK heads, the safer Noory decided to toss Wells to the side..
TODAY as George Noory goes on the Alex Jones radio show, Wells has pointed out hypocrisy..
From the host:
So Noory goes on Infowars with Alex to discuss “censorship” today…
Well I guess he should know all about that after he censored me off C2C in Feb 2014 the moment I started talking about global communism and criticized Obama… What hypocrisy and then he says he’s a dem… go figure
And a screen shot for posterity..

The midnight express ain’t what it used to be… taking a ride sure got boring when BELL left in ‘10… And WELLS as well only a few years later when he began to outshine NOORY at his own game.
I have long been a fan of Wells–despite so often disagreeing with him. He was .. at least.. interesting and off the beaten path.
His interests would have transformed the show away from what Bell created in the 90s and 2000s… maybe that is why Noory got rid of him?
I call on some more sublte plans: Wells was getting more popular than Noory.
Now that IAN PUNNETT has returned from time to time, if his star outshines the full time host, expect a lack of seeing Ian on the roster..
It’s just how things work out in the LA studios..
I wrote this in 2014 when WELLS left the post:
He is now going on in life to host his own internet show called the CARAVAN TO MIDNIGHT. Sadly it will be on during the midday–and also sadly for him, his show has been marred with technical difficulties that has stopped him from broadcasting when he said he would. Some say Premiere conspired against him.. Some said the same for Art Bell when suddenly, out of no where, Sirius radio announced that Coast would take over Bell’s spot after his short stint on satellite..
Premiere and conservative radio is a big Juggernaut. Premiere may be happy with the lunatics and drunks that listen to Noory.. and maybe they were getting a little unsettled with the knowledgeable and questioning souls that tuned into Wells..
And Art Bell? Well..he plans on coming back in 2015 with his own online show. Maybe it won’t be a Caravan to Midnight.. but it’s always midnight in the desert…
Art Bell died in 2018…
Coast to Coast was on life support from 2010 to 2014, and passed away soon after.
Only a minister named Ian Punnett can bring it back from the lifelessness it has succumbed to in the middle of the night.
George Noory is a very considerate host. He allows the callers to speak. Although some should not. THE big BUT is that everything he does is centered around making more money. He is one greedy individual. Art Bell was a much more interesting host, and John B Wells is also.
You nailed it. Bye coast to coast.
Agreed on ART BELL.. he owned the night…
George Noory….Radio host? Vitamin salesman? Crooner? Numbers Lady fan? I was so disappointed when John B. Wells was let go. Wells had (on c2c) consistently interesting and thought provoking shows while Noory slings snake oil with his Veterinarian buddy and is STILL talking about Big Foot! I still love to listen to Ian Punnet and Richard Syrett (Y? because he’s great!) and Art Bell was in a class all his own. Mr. Noory seems more interested in his ego and his bank accounts than providing a decent radio show.
The author here is obviously biased against GN. And while I am not I still say JBW is the closest thing to AB since AB. I always appreciated his libertarian stance and dedication to free thaught. The enemy of those who would divide and conquer
Thanks for noticing LOL.. I am biased for Bell and Wells.. Sorry.. JBW would have prospered on Coast and most likely would have been the permanent host. HENCE>… fired.
I love John B. Wells and I was upset when they got rid of him. I don’t like Noory that much.
I don’t listen to coast2 coast any more, because Noory only talks to the dead. He has fortune tellers and mediums on all the time. If not them, then some dr. that claims to have the cure for everything.
I listen mostly to “Dark matter digital network” now since JBW was forced off. CTC is barely tolerable these days, most of the shows are just awful, boring uninteresting crap, and don’t get me started on the callers. I’ve basically said goodbye to CTC.
The DMDN is still on!?
It sure is.
Thanks Dave! Good to hear from you and I listen often
I so looked forward to Saturday nights on CTC with John. I was terribly disappointed when he left and couldn’t understand why they would do such a thing? It became obvious later that Wells was a threat the TPTB at Coast To Coast. Noory would rather talk about all manner of meaningless crap than delve into anything serious. He’s a fraud and a clown. Luckily I can now listen to Wells five nights a week instead of just one. I guess it worked out for the best!
John B. Wells is the real deal and he doesn’t cater to “group think” or encourage a “hive mind mentality”. He and his guests/ whistle blowers lay out the facts as they have found them and challenge the audience to do their own due diligence. I have zero faith in the corporate controlled media of which six conglomerates whose heads have a seat on “round table” groups like the CFR. Control the information and you control the narrative that skews any chance of meaningful debate or discussion.
I have few trusted news sources….. even in alternative media but J.B is at the top. When J.B started rattling a few cages on C2C and was developing a bigger following than Noory WHILE awakening his audience to the insidious and nefarious deeds of the deep state that does the bidding of the shadow government that is nothing but a corporate construct? Is anyone surprised that they tried to “muzzle” him and attempt to nudge him out of the way or get him to “play ball” their way? John’s integrity isn’t up for the highest bidder and his staid stance hasn’t come without a price to be paid. John’s show has informed me as well as validating what I have learned from seeking the ugly truth in lieu of being placated with pretty lies. The last two years John has gone places that few dare to go. He is our voice and what a voice that is.
Noory is a terrible host. He constantly interrupts his guests and in many cases, show little to no knowledge of the subject being discussed. George Knapp is the only reason I continue to listen to C2C. Art Bell and John B were the best.
Noory is nothing short of an idiot. There’s nobody worse at interviewing than him.
JBW’s Caravan to Midnight is worth the price of admission. Long shows, interesting guests, no commercials except occasional mentions of the CTM store and it’s contents. I used to love Art Bell’s Coast to Coast, then Noory was ok, then I started liking the guest hosts better. Once in a great while I try to listen to Coast to Coast and all I hear are huge blocks of commercials seperated by long music breaks then another long block of commercials. After wasting that 15 minutes I finally get to the show only to find the content to be patheticly boring.
GN is a sellout. He is what corporate radio and NWO owned corporate media deems to be suitable listening for the sheep masses.
He ought to sell vitamins full time on infomercials with the other sellout Clyde Lewis.
Pure garbage not even listenable .
I remember waiting with anticipation every night to see what AB would be talking about .
I think HE was a great host and spoke whatever was on his mind which is entertaining to people of intelligence .