What’s the frequency!? Did a Comedy Central show really predict Kobe Bryant’s death?

It’s not just the SIMPSONS that seems to capture moments in time before they happen! 

A clip now making its way around social media is a clip of a cartoon featuring Kobe Bryant being killed in a helicopter crash.

There are rumors this is from 2006.. It is not. It’s a Comedy Central in 2017 called the Legends of Chamberlain Heights.

The life and death of the Black Mamba

Kobe Bryant’s nickname was “The Black Mamba.” It was an alter-ego he gave to himself after struggling through dark periods of his life.. In his auto-documentary “Muse,” Bryant revealed that he created The Black Mamba as a way to deal with the struggles he was going through off the court in 2003 and 2004. “I … Read moreThe life and death of the Black Mamba

We didn’t start the fire! The $40,000 club house

According to the REPUBLICAN, curious onlookers even drove right onto the golf course as they tried to get a look at the burned down Country Club structure… new golf balls were even stolen..
It was quickly decided to rebuild!
By October 1970, Draco Development created a new structure.. and from that point a new history..