We didn’t start the fire! The $40,000 club house

If you’re from or around Schuylkill County, you have undoubtedly attended a wedding, buffet, party, or celebration at the Fountain  Springs Country Inn .. The Inn was reopened around 2000 .. reopened again in 2004.. and since then has been a staple in the area for celebrations and important events..

Before the Inn it was the Club.. A members-only local business that featured golf, dining, swimming, and tennis for the wealthiest people within the area..  It was also a major year round employer for generations..

There are countless people who recall stories of their teenage years, working in the Club in various positions..of those who recall dining.

The story of the former Club is compelling..


In 1915, plans were underway to create a club.. at that time it was dubbed the $40,000 club house.

It was called the ‘handsomest and most desirable country clubs to be found in the interior of the state.’ It was a big deal, with major political names from across the state being involved.

By June 1916, it was ready to open..


According to reports of the time, the weather was awful! Rain! Storms! Flooding! It was miserable for people attending.. but according to news articles from then time, hundreds were guests of the event, ignoring the weather and welcoming a new local attraction to the then wealthy coal region..

Decades of parties ensued.. new years bashes, birthdays.. and weddings. The club members and wealthy donors enjoyed weekly spectacles.. rumor has it that it was not a speakeasy, but liquor was abundant even during prohibition. The roaring 20s roared beyond time!

But that dour day in 1916, with weather raining a parade, could have been a marker of something to come.

In July 1969, strong storms moved through Pennsylvania causing severe thunderstorms, and flooding. The Fountain Springs Country Club was not a safe haven. Lightning struck the building, causing a quick moving fire, and forcing people to stampede out of the burning structure..

From the NEWS ITEM on July 28, 1969:


Reports indicated at the time that the flagpole on top of the four story wooden building was struck by lightning, causing the sudden fire.. 100 diners evacuated the building… By the end, only the locker room remained standing and the damage was concluded to be $350,000 ..

The fire made the AP news wire at the time and was reported nationwide by stations across America..

The Pottsville REPUBLICAN reported ‘ghoulish’ tourists looking at the building a day after the July fire..


According to the REPUBLICAN, curious onlookers even drove right onto the golf course as they tried to get a look at the burned down Country Club structure… new golf balls were even stolen..

It was quickly decided to rebuild!

By October 1970, Draco Development created a new structure.. and from that point a new history..


The ‘sunken dining room’ was on full display.. On March 26 1971, the Pottsville REPUBLICAN featured it as a main image in its fishwrapper..

And the rest… was history. A few more owners, and a location that still stands. Just not a club, as most country clubs nationwide have met demises …