It’s back!!
That strange note that made its way around Northeastern Pennsylvania as the pandemic began has made news occasionally since.
It showed up again. Seemingly, the bizarre note has made its way south..
Coal Speaker was contacted Sunday night by a reader in Myerstown, Pennsylvania.. According to the account relayed to us by this particular reader, she had just opened a box of cereal that she purchased at Horning’s Market in the town and a note fell out. To her and her husband’s surprise, it was the creepy note that so many others have found in boxes of various products from their local grocery stores..
She took photos to show the product and note..

According to the account,
I pulled the empty bag out did not look inside the box but pulling the bottom part apart it fell out folded on the floor. I folded the paper they way it was and slipped it in the opening of the bottom of the box it fit right in thats how they did it. it fell out after I tore the bottom of the box apart. so it was laying under the bag inside the box.
She went on to say it was a creepy experience, but questioned whether we should take just a simple peace of paper so seriously..
The reader told us she has yet to inform law enforcement or call the store to report it.
That is a good question, in itself.. With the breadth at which this note has been found, it would bring some curiosity to whether it is just a weird bunch of similar-minded folks slipping notes in when the product is in a grocery store–or maybe in a warehouse.. But beyond that, is there any implication of product tampering? Is this just a little strange anomaly that occurs to a few select people, or is the note being found more often and just thrown in the trash?
It would appear this latest Lebanon county note sent to us appears very similar to the note that we originally reported on back in early 2020. At that time (and never since) we took the 2 hour trouble of documenting exactly what the note said, as close as we could:
Secret socities (SS) ties to terror’m/shoot’gs & other crises r not report’d. but JFK warn’d of SS. Europe’s ARYAN ELITE & their SS/fronts (Vat’n/Jesuits/Mason/lesser royalty) lead’g SS masquerad’g as other rels. r the ILLUMINATI. Secret rites/SIGN SYS. unit SS. Oprah/Obama/Putin/Osteen/Gates/Dalai Lama/Trump…sign (1). SS’ symbs. relate to Saturn, god of time/Lord o/t Rings: Vat/EU/Mafia’s RING of star/ring kiss’g; Prayer Wheel; UN/China/Islam’s cresent w/star/ball; beads/dots (rosary/bindi)’Jew’s hexag’m… SS say Sat. was near Earth (Golden Age when ‘Gods’ rul’d man). Er. elite/SS front 4 a tiny, anc. race call’d Dragon Kings (DK). Their long/red-head’d skulls, unmask’d images, cave cities…were found in Peru/Easter Isle/Black Sea reg…DK agenda is: Social’m, Caste sys. & SS elite’s SEX’M/pedophilia & anti-family bias. To rule, DK’s need disarm’d-surveill’d pop’ns. World leaders know fear/crisis make people submissive. SS’s off-shoots: KKK/Mormons…More key/capstone; Kaaba; wings/bird; eye/1/2 face/target; grail; obelisk; gate/arch/dome; Skull-Bones; NAZIS’ BLACK SUN… SS tip-off terms; New Age/day/era/dawn/hope/NWO… 1) It uses set signs (e.g. okay gest); body pos’ns; special mot’ns of corss’g, touch’g (ring/ear/watch), unexplain’d POINT’G, pinch’g, (lapel/cuff)…& colors (orange/red…). More symbs: police/mil.’s pentagram-(gon)_/chevrons….;flower (BP); ranbo (LGBTQ); shell/spiral/snake/knot; tower-clock; “i” w/ color’d dot; blue/white (BMW)… SS breed corrup’n locally to int’ly. Drugs/media/univs./pub.ed/i’net…r tools of control.
There have been some internet sleuths who occasionally looked at trying to triangulate where exactly these messages were from. A Reddit HiThere_420 poster seems to be investigating where the origin of the note would be from:
I’ve done some research based on the locations that everyone says they received these messages. If this is from a food distribution employee who is either mentally unwell or sadistic by creeping out the masses, then I’ve been able to roughly triangulate where they would come from (spanning from Cumberland County to West, Lycoming County to North and Carbon County to East). West Virginia and Maryland were also mentioned. For these reasons, I believe the person(s) doing this is from the Hershey area, either from Feeser’s Food Distributors or from Dutch Valley Food Distributors. Considering the distance covered, I believe they could be a driver or somebody who works for a driver.
Other comments on this active Reddit thread are showcasing that the note was being distributed actively a few months ago..
It has been several weeks since we heard from any readers that the note has been found. Tonight changed that equation..
Like a COVID variant of concern, the note has returned in earnest…
I recently opened a box of general mills pasta salad on Christmas day and found this note. I inspected all foodstuffs in the box and everything was fine. The note itself is a little off putting but nothing out of the norm for living in NEPA. I bought my boxed item at Giant in Berwick, PA.
Thank you for your comment.. I am assuming it was near the top of the box when you opened it and you saw it.
I am sure it was a little alarming.