We finally binged STRANGER THINGS season 4 this holiday weekend.. we wanted to make it last, so we broke up the binging into sections..
Each section was emotional. Fun.. and edge-of-your-seat entertainment..
Alright, alright.. nothing is perfect. Some dull moments were interspersed through the noise and horror–but this season upped the ante on scares.. Despite some of the weird episode 1 hijinks, it all worked.
It created a mosaic of fright along with the cheerfulness of big 80s-hair and bright colors.
What landed best? DEAR BILLY, episode 4 of the season, could very well be the strongest episode of any of all four seasons.. The epic conclusion to that particular show will have fans of the series truly holding their breath with tears streaming down their faces. It far surpassed the feel and beauty of all other episodes.
And the episode was so powerful, it has even created this event: Thanks to its exposure in the first episode of season 4, viewers have apparently rediscovered the song, nearly 40 years after its original release. Just two days after the new season’s debut, “Running Up That Hill” has rocketed up the iTunes charts, capturing the number one spot!

Watch at your own peril if you have not seen the show yet:
What missed? The more drawn out storylines that were offered in episode 5 through 7 regarding Hopper and Eleven? We wanted action. But we didn’t want Joyce to become comic relief as she seemingly did in the first 7 episodes with Murray.
And what was worst of all?
The show still trying to showcase Will Byers as a child, attempting to fit him into childlike clothing despite his tall appearance and Johnny Cash-style deep voice. But kids grow faster than shows can be filmed. So we give some forgiveness on that.
HOWEVER… just to quell our thoughts a bit, we actually went back after THE MASSACRE AT HAWKINS LAB and re-watched Stranger Things season 1 episode 1. Will Byers definitely saw …. (spoiler alert??) something other than the Demogorgon which may match up well to Vecna. And now finally we see the true importance of Will singing Should I Stay or Should I go Now. Pretty Cool…
After what we saw we are high anticipating the final two movie-length episodes 8 and 9. PAPPA, and PIGGYBACK.
July 1. Be there, or be square. 80s style.
We are so glad this show is finally streaming despite Noah Schnapp still trying to fit in his 9th grade clothing.

This was the conclusion:
STRANGER THINGS deserves a second season. And third. And fourth.
You’d be foolish to avoid this series.
While we never said a ‘5th season,’ it’s certainly implied.
But speaking of 5? Let’s talk ……
As Ross Duffer recently told The Wrap, he and his brother Matt Duffer‘s pitch for the final season left Netflix executives crying.
“Listen. It’s our process but it’s just like, we really just try to focus on one season at a time,” Duffer explained. “We do have an outline for season 5 and we pitched it to Netflix and they really responded well to it. I mean, it was hard. It’s the end of the story. I saw executives crying who I’ve never seen cry before and it was wild. And it’s not just to do with the story, just the fact that it’s like, Oh my God, this thing that has defined so many of our lives, these Netflix people who has been with us from the beginning, seven years now, and it’s hard to imagine the journey coming to an end.”
“But we wrote it during the pandemic shutdown, the outline for 5, and then I haven’t even honestly looked at it because it’s just too overwhelming,” Duffer continued. “We’ll get into it.”