Prince Harry and the psychic

This is an interesting story.. news media sources are publishing an account from Prince Harry’s new book .. he writes a passage about how he went to see a medium to try connecting to his mother, deceased Princess Diana ..

From that account, reported by the UK GUARDIAN:

The prince says the woman told him she felt an energy around him too, and said: “Your mother is with you.”
Harry replied: “I know. I’ve felt that of late.”
The woman, he writes, told him his mother was with him “right now”. Harry says his neck grew warm and his eyes watered.
The woman told Harry his mother knew he was “looking for clarity” and “feels your confusion”, and knew he had “so many questions”, and said answers would come in time.
The prince also says the woman told him Diana said: “You’re living the life she couldn’t. You’re living the life she wanted for you.”
Harry, who in his book also describes endless clashes with the press amid trips to London clubs and visits to Africa, Europe and Hollywood, and admits to regular drinking and drug-taking, says he wanted to believe the woman but needed “proof. A sign. Anything.”
One such sign offered by the woman involved a story about an ornament, and a claim that his mother knew about it because “she was there”.
Earlier in the book, Harry recounts how a Christmas tree ornament in the shape of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, was accidentally smashed by his son, Archie.

There is no further information on the name of the supposed psychic or where the paranormal encounter took place .. 

We all find hope in situations .. we all search for answers when we feel most lost.

Hopefully Prince Harry found those answers in this meeting..