Of all of the photos I saw from the Israeli/Gaza back and forth bombings, these both hit me.. A child, innocent, tries to salvage any bit of childhood he can while adults around him act more immature than him.
The fact that a child ‘does not understand’ war and the world means that the child is more humble and honest than any adult in power..
And in the other photo, an adult cries tears of humanity as he carries a dead child from the rubble after a missile strike.
There are many innocent people that die during warfare… they are the ‘collateral damages’ often uncounted by governments embroiled in hostility.
That is beyond disrespectful. They are people with lives, hopes, dreams.. and often innocence of childhood. Innocence lost in a second, dead bodies litter the streets..
War across the world. Isn’t this season supposed to be one of peace on earth??
Whatever happened to that..