…notable parenting experiences

Last night, for the first time, it happened. Ayden had a very adult session of regurgitation. That is blunt, isn’t it? Blunt indeed. 

I knew the day would come.. he either overate or had some strange stomach issue that lasted for a few hours. No fever. Just … that.

But it tested dad more than mom. She stayed calm. I freaked.

I am a vomit-a-phobe. I am frightened by the idea of vomit, whether it be me or someone else. Something in me has caused this sometimes irrational fear since I was young and dumb. And now as an adult and still dumb, my fear isn’t gone. 

I was there for Ayden, held my nose, and did laundry immediately using ‘hot’ water.. I didn’t even care if the cotton shrunk…

It’s a Friday sick day. Ayden is feeling better. But dad is paranoid that he will be in the same predicament next.