A group of Austrian researchers have found evidence that microplastics — extremely small pieces of plastic beads, fibers, or fragments — accumulate in human feces. … According to the study, published Monday in the United European Gastroenterology Journal, up to nine types of plastic were found in the poop samples…

The truth hurts.
And the pain something that may effect our future as much as our present bowels..

And now this poop news is flowing.

“Plastics are pervasive in everyday life and humans are exposed to plastics in numerous ways,” said Philipp Schwable, a gastroenterologist at the Medical University of Vienna, who led the study..

Every participant’s poop tested positive for plastics, from polyethylene (commonly found in plastic bags) to polypropylene (bottle caps) to polyvinyl chloride (the “PVC” in PVC pipe). In fact, of the ten types of plastic that the researchers screened for, nine were detected. On average, the researchers turned up 20 particles of microplastic per quarter pound of poop.

There should be nothing shocking about the bowel obstruction. We should have known this was coming. Studies for years pointed out signs that plastic was pervading our way of life.. the fact it is in our excrement should not be a surprise…
After all…you are what you eat.