The cone is changing: The course of deadly Erika is puzzling forecasters..
Florida still works to prepare for potential direct hit..
Bombshell: Lawyer says that former franchisee alerted SUBWAY about Jared Fogle..
Horror movies are taking over 2016: The movies on the way increase in number.. But are they increasing in worth..?
Type September 23 2015 into Google Maps.
Fart trapping underwear for your convenience.. fart with confidence. Trap the smells..
The other Ashley Madison scandal.. apparently men were playing hook up with women that did not even exist.. Robots, even. An investigation reveals that just about NONE of the women in the database ever even used the site!
Florida likely site of hurricane strike.. could be direct hit.
SHARE SHARE SHARE til the water’s brown..Tumblr going mobile friendly thanks to YAHOO!’s grip.. but the CEO can stand on stage and say content is king? When is the last time you saw truly original content on a typical Tumblr blog? Copying the same GIFs and texts over and over again and giving no credit is the name of the game.. If content is king, go to a website that actually creates ‘content.’
Experts warn: Sea levels will rise. And not stop..
The 35-year-old who spent $100,000 to look just like Justin Bieber found dead. Tobias, who went by the name Toby Sheldon, was lampooned by the world when news teams reported on his quest to look like Bieber. TMZ report that he was found in a motel room in LA on Friday, three days after he was reported missing..
Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume sparks outrage.. This spark of Halloween anger reminds me of the dreadfully distasteful Steve Irwin Halloween costume that was sold after his death..
AMERICAN HORROR STORY HOTEL: First look at Lady Gaga and other characters..
Horror: Members of news team shot live on air!!!
Iconic 9/11 ‘dust lady’ loses her battle with cancer..
The villains in the new STAR WARSmovie were inspired by Nazis..
Former Jehovah’s Witness rails against religion as a ‘cult’
This is the bubble that no one is talking about .. 7 million college debtors have yet to make loan payment..
Super Mario Creator says there may be a movie coming soon..
Jared the Subway pervert.. Even more hideous than previously known..
Wake me up when September ends.. FORT BRAG troops prepping for ‘domestic disaster’..
Strange beam of light appears in Florida..
Move over Jesus!
Woman sees Donald Trump in her butter!
Why is everyone freaking out about September?
NASA (again) forced to publish post that there is no impending asteroid threat to the planet earth..
Detecting ripples in space time..
Vatican employees on Ashley Madison site, revealed in hack..
The Ashley Madison hack was twice as big as first thought..
Tensions once again: North Korea and South Korea exchange fire..
Both nations trade threats..
Major gas explosion damages NYC high school and injures workers.. Workers tried to drain a gas main before starting their work, but it was not drained completely..
Florida student confesses to MACHETE murder of classmate.. Even more: Police say that after the students buried Guardado that Strickland stayed behind with the supposed ringleader of the group Kaheem Arbelo to have sex near the murder scene before going back to the Homestead Job Corps school campus…
JENNER could face manslaughter charges..
KISS of death: Gene Simmons’ home searched in child porn sweep..
SINISTER weekend coming.. and a SINISTER 3 already being planned before the 2nd performs in box offices.. No concrete plans exist, but several people are talking.. SINISTER 2 is released this weekend.
The ‘scariest movie’ at SUNDANCE has arrived: The WITCH. The tagline of the film is that you’ll never go into the woods again. Perhaps the trailer to the movie will prove that.
The same man who poisoned a youth sports team now in charge of Las Vegas water supply..
This ad on CRAIGSLIST may cause you to laugh.. or raise an eyebrow and wonder: A ‘time traveler’ has posted a need for help, preferably from a man because the time traveler needs help moving heavy things.. He will be set to leave this November for the year 2094, not to arrive again. Perhaps it’s the same time traveler who recently posted a long message to ART BELL..
NASA continues to deny internet rumors of an upcoming asteroid strike in September.. Despite the denials, those rumors persist..
BAD LIP READING of the Republican debate.. this one is good.
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The Florida sinkhole that swallowed a man two years ago opens again..
Groundwater pumping in California has land sinking..
IT FOLLOWS is or is not about STDs? Which camp do you fall into it?
Buffalo Bill’s house from SILENCE OF THE LAMBS up for sale..
ASHLEY MADISON hacked information made public.. 15,000 government addresses included..
Health official investigate plague in California..
Subway’s JARED pleads guilty to child porn and sex with minors..
The EPOCH TIMES is running a good article about a plane 40 years ago that vanished for ten minutes. And reappeared just as fast.. This story reminded me a bit of the man from Taured..
Apollo 14 astronaut says that peace loving aliens prevented nuclear war.. people paying attention to the UFO news desk will know of this story already, Edgar Mitchell is no stranger to the community. But the sudden burst of attention from FOX and a variety of sources may perhaps may some cringe–cringe for many different reasons depending on who is doing it..
Japan opens its first since FUKUSHIMA–just in time for a neighboring volcano to erupt..
Indonesian airline reports a plane missing over Papau Province..
Saturday saw a weird occurrence over the East Coast as computer problems grounded flights..
Facebook dumps an intern for breaking news on major security flaw..
AUDIENCE FAINTING AND VOMITING during horror movie BITE premiere.. A success for movie makers! A very bad day for cleaning crews..
GOODNIGHT MOMMY is being called the scariest movie of all time. That is exactly what was said about some past ‘scariest movies of all time’ that became some of the least scary films that vanished in the vast NETFLIX world of obscurity. But a look at the trailer does appear a bit promising.
Documents reveal the relationship between the NSA and AT&T..
Miley Cyrus says that HANNAH MONTANA caused body dysmorphia.. I think it’s certainly possible, and I think Cyrus was too young to be a star. As are any other young people.. it’s ridiculous hard to handle it for adults let along pre-teens..
The retail collapse is in full swing. Up next: The restaurant collapse. As an avid eater who loves good food and new places, I hope this dire warning of economic doom is wrong. But judging from the landscape of the nation, we better eat it while we got it..
The Perseid meteor shower set to light up the sky..peaking Wednesday..
Typhoon hits Taiwan with the same force of Katrina.. The storm went on to make landfall in China.. Soudelor was the strongest storm on the planet so far in 2015.. At this point, at least 1 million are without power..
The eye of the drone.. the way we view earth–and photography in general–is changing. Thanks to drones.. and here are some photos to prove it..
Islamic extremists attack and hack to death a Bangledeshi blogger in his home..
More Yellowstone fear–a bear attacked a hiker and killed him.. and that has given rise to the media’s ability to bring out the fear.. DAILY MAIL interviews an expert who says a nuclear hell on earth will hit the United States if Yellowstone blows..
From ZERO HEDGE: Dropping the bomb was never justified.. despite history textbooks saying it was needed to end the war.. it really was not.
Is new spaceplane XS-1 designed for extraterrestrial battle?
Please stay tuned for a few upcoming posts on this site over the next few days. I am pretty sure you’ll enjoy the read.. Stay tuned..
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Tropical development off Carolina coast being monitored..
Sex with robots will be the norm in 50, days experts. I tend to think it will happen sooner.. Or already is.
Massive wildfire in California jumping containment areas..
Awful heat in the Middle East..
Police blame Wiccan blue moon ritual for killings in Florida home..
The Benjamin Franklin Bridge is set t be CLOSED when the Pope comes to Philadelphia in September..
Barf bags being handed out for a horror movie? Apparently the film BITE is so awful, there have been ambulances called to a screening, people vomiting, and one person fainting.. All good press in the horror world.
BLOODY-DISGUSTING website includes rape scenes in its listing of ‘graphic sex’ in horror movies.. This has caused a highly charged comment thread on both Facebook and the website that offered up the story. I am actually thinking a bit about writing more on this topic, stepping into the waters. I have some opinions on what the site has published.. and I am extremely uncomfortable with how they included graphic and horrid rape scenes in their listing which was originally portrayed as a fun roundup.. More on that coming soon ..
The government reimbursed Buzz Aldrin $33 for his moon voyage..