
Blogging from the deep dark mines of the Anthracite Coal Region of the East Coast.

Coal Speaking is a regularly (sometimes) updated site that promises to bring you breaking events from around the world and close to home, along with unique stories that the author is interested in. You’ll find the occasional paranormal tale, ghost story, UFO hunt, or even horror movie review.

My name is Bryan. I was born in Centralia PA, in 1980– the town with the underground mine fire. There is something about your town, and virtually every school except for college, vanishing and being knocked down during your lifetime.

Among things I am proud of, the top of my list is my son. He was born in 2011. He is the most amazing human being I’ve come across yet. 😉

This image was from a magical night somewhere in the mid 2000-teens. That is my son, Ayden, in the Angry Birds hat. We are outside at a Cracker Barrell after seeing a movie at the defunct Pearl Theaters in the former and now knocked down Schuylkill Mall in Frackville. The air was cold and magical, and this image, this single moment in life, sticks in my memory and is important. Thank you for reading.. and for being a part of this strange and weird experience we call life.. I can STILL ‘feel’ this picture. Ever have one of those memories that are so real they seem like they are still happening? This one moment does that for me.

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“There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the present will be the cause of the future. All these are links in the endless chain stretching from the finite to the infinite” –Abraham Lincoln

“And if you’re bored it’s because you’re boring.” —Matt Drudge

“Was anything real?” — Truman Burbank

Enjoy the show!

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