Drudge headline tonight..
Drudge headline tonight..
Drudge headline tonight..
CBS NEWS REPORTING: “Let me just tell you this: Jeb is so wrong. Jeb is absolutely so — ah,” Trump began. A chorus of booed in the audience interrupted Trump, who then suggested that the crowd was stacked with pro-Bush elites in the GOP establishment. “Just so you understand: You know who that is? That’s … Read moreCBS NEWS REPORTING:“Let me just tell you this: Jeb is so…
Bush: “My mother is the strongest woman I know”Trump interrupting, “then she should be the one running.”
ALL OF THE OTHER candidates watching Jeb vs Trump tonight..
I am watching the GOP debate.. and all of the sudden I see a news alert of a major quake in New Zealand!! WITH a cliff collapsing near Christchurch.. could it have been Bush vs Trump?! Nonetheless.. This; Several people have been injured and a cliff has collapsed into the sea on New Zealand’s South … Read moreI am watching the GOP debate.. and all of the sudden I see a…
Just watch Jeb’s face…
Trump on profanity: He said on occasion he uses profanity to highlight something .. “I have said I will not do it at all” .. will not do it again.. Bush tried responded but the moderator shut him down. Jeb! just can’t get a break.
When you search TED CRUZ on Google images, these are the first five images that pop up. At least for me. Just saying…
During a GOP debate! Amazing..
“This guy will say anything” – Trump on Cruz, tonight after calling him the ‘single biggest liar’ on stage..