Zika Outbreak 2016: Virus Hits Debt-Stricken Puerto Rico Amid US Soccer Team Arrival
Zika Outbreak 2016: Virus Hits Debt-Stricken Puerto Rico Amid US Soccer Team Arrival:
Zika Outbreak 2016: Virus Hits Debt-Stricken Puerto Rico Amid US Soccer Team Arrival:
Lake Mead drops to the lowest level in history: This reporting from WZZM: The nation’s largest reservoir has broken a record, declining to the lowest level since it was filled in the 1930s. Lake Mead reached the all-time low Wednesday night, slipping below a previous record set in June 2015. The downward march of the … Read moreLake Mead drops to the lowest level in history
Submarine deployed in EgyptAir Flight 804 search: Egypt has deployed a submarine to the Mediterranean Sea to search for the so-called black boxes from EgyptAir Flight 804, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said Sunday. Searchers have recovered parts of the plane wreckage – passengers’ personal belongings, life vests, aircraft chairs and even body parts – but … Read moreSubmarine deployed in EgyptAir Flight 804 search
Mysterious Roar And Light In The Sky Wake Mexican City: Residents in a Mexican city woke in fright before dawn on Saturday to bright light in the sky and then a thunderous noise, fearing a nearby volcano had suddenly erupted. But officials said Popocatepetl volcano had not stirred and no earthquake had registered. Instead, the … Read moreMysterious Roar And Light In The Sky Wake Mexican City
The AFP reporting.. If a visitor to Venezuela is unfortunate enough to pay for anything with a foreign credit card, the eye-watering cost might suggest they were in a city pricier than Tokyo or Zurich. MORE.. Chaos explained.. chaos described: A nation in turmoil and financial ruin.. A hamburger sold for 1,700 Venezuelan bolivares is … Read moreThe $170 hamburger
Elijah Wood drops shock: ‘Hollywood in the grip of child abuse scandal similar to Jimmy Savile’!: Wood making a splash of headlines with this news–he thinks that a child sex scandal was and is continuing to plague Hollywood at the core.. Wood described it. The UK TELEGRAPH reported it: The 35-year-old former child actor said … Read moreElijah Wood drops shock: ‘Hollywood in the grip of child abuse scandal similar to Jimmy Savile’!
Americans’ belief in heaven remains about the same as always. But new data shows that the belief in hell has dropped considerably.. 70ish percent down to the 50s and falling.. this to coincide with other research showing millennials have stopped going to church. Why? National GEOGRAPHIC has a story running about the ‘campaign to eliminate hell’ … Read moreWhat fun is hell?
Alien Civilizations May Number In The Trillions, New Study Says: Proving again that we hardly know anything about our universe and certainly nothing about the potential for how abundant life may be ‘out there’ in the cosmos.. enter this study. The research, published in the journal Astrobiology last week, suggests that more planets in the Milky … Read moreAlien Civilizations May Number In The Trillions, New Study Says
David Icke dumbfounds BBC’s Andrew Neil by insisting ‘royal family are lizards’: RUSSIA TODAY reports: In an interview with the BBC’s This Week, Icke defended the outlandish reptilian theory. When Neil asked: “Do you still think the Royal Family were shape shifting lizards?” Icke replied: “Yes, I do.” Neil then asked Icke if he still … Read moreDavid Icke dumbfounds BBC’s Andrew Neil by insisting ‘royal family are lizards’
WHEN VIRAL GOES GOOD!! IF you didn’t see Candace Payne, a Dallas mother of two, laugh hysterically while wearing a Chewbacca mask, you should. It should almost be mandatory on a gloomy day. She wasn’t anyone famous.. but literally minutes after posting herself in a car wearing a brand new Chewy mask, her Facebook exploded. It … Read moreWHEN VIRAL GOES GOOD!!IF you didn’t see Candace Payne, a…