A dental freak out..

I have been experiencing some strange jaw pains lately.. stress induced TMJ is the prognosis. The dentist even agreed after a series of X rays were conducted late this evening. I don’t know yet if I will choose the mouth guard for sleep–seems unlikely–but I will surely attempt something. Maybe just yoga for stress relief, … Read moreA dental freak out..

San Andreas fault ‘locked, loaded and ready to roll’ with big earthquake, expert says – LA Times

San Andreas fault ‘locked, loaded and ready to roll’ with big earthquake, expert says – LA Times: On a day when news stories pointed to a study showing parts of the southeast were falling into the planet causing tremors, this new article comes out.. I can only picture the response on LA to the TIMESAVER … Read moreSan Andreas fault ‘locked, loaded and ready to roll’ with big earthquake, expert says – LA Times

Giant chunks of Earth’s mantle are FALLING OFF and causing quakes across southeastern US

Giant chunks of Earth’s mantle are FALLING OFF and causing quakes across southeastern US : While the headline from the UK DAILY MAIL sounds alarming, there’s no need to call in the Rock yet. The sky isn’t falling but over a long period of time the ground may fail.. The study concluded by the University … Read moreGiant chunks of Earth’s mantle are FALLING OFF and causing quakes across southeastern US

Aerial Pesticide Spraying Possibly Linked To Autism, But Some Scientists Wary Of Connection

Aerial Pesticide Spraying Possibly Linked To Autism, But Some Scientists Wary Of Connection: Nothing conclusive yet.. But the study was undertaken from 2010 to 2015 in central New York, where spraying is voluminous.. And the link, the researchers seem to implicate by the way of data and evidence, is the high degree of pesticide spraying.. … Read moreAerial Pesticide Spraying Possibly Linked To Autism, But Some Scientists Wary Of Connection

Target jobs: The amazing world of diversion

The entire nation has been filled with vitriolic hate.. should transgender men be permitted to use the lady’s room at Target. It has reached epic proportions.. store debates… politicians parade.. and not hundreds of thousands boycotting the store altogether. Meanwhile, during the ultimate of diversions that has little consequence over the nation’s future, Target is … Read moreTarget jobs: The amazing world of diversion

Tennessee high school teacher suspended for showing ‘Human Centipede 2’

Tennessee high school teacher suspended for showing ‘Human Centipede 2’: FROM THE REPORT: A Tennessee high school teacher was suspended Thursday after students reported to school officials last week that they were shown an “inappropriate film” in class. Jackson-Madison Consolidated School District Superintendent Verna Ruffin told The Jackson Sun Wednesday that the film shown in … Read moreTennessee high school teacher suspended for showing ‘Human Centipede 2’