A recommended site

Every now and then if I find a gem online that is worth noting and re-posting I do so.. found such today. This one is called ONCE UPON A TOWN, and showcases old photographs of some famous and not so famous places prior to urban sprawl.. Amazing site. Great work. Check it out.. http://ift.tt/1Pk0WoV

LUCY JONES IS LEAVING HER JOB..**Those who know earthquakes know…

LUCY JONES IS LEAVING HER JOB..* *Those who know earthquakes know her.. From the LA TIMES dispatch: In a city defined by celebrity, Jones has a unique kind of fame. She’s been called the Beyoncé of earthquakes, the Meryl Streep of government service, a woman breaking barriers in a man’s world. Her son, now 25, … Read moreLUCY JONES IS LEAVING HER JOB..**Those who know earthquakes know…

February was the warmest month in recorded history, climate experts say.. MORE: From Alaska to Australia, an unprecedented heating of planet Earth is underway with rising temperatures across huge swaths of land mass and oceans

February was the warmest month in recorded history, climate experts say.. MORE: From Alaska to Australia, an unprecedented heating of planet Earth is underway with rising temperatures across huge swaths of land mass and oceans

DREADFUL WEEKEND IN DRUGLAND: A strong form of heroin being sold in Camden led to more than a dozen overdoses in less than 24 hours. Now police and emergency responders are worried that there may be more to come

DREADFUL WEEKEND IN DRUGLAND: A strong form of heroin being sold in Camden led to more than a dozen overdoses in less than 24 hours. Now police and emergency responders are worried that there may be more to come: MORE..  “Right now we know that there is something out there that’s putting people in near death … Read moreDREADFUL WEEKEND IN DRUGLAND: A strong form of heroin being sold in Camden led to more than a dozen overdoses in less than 24 hours. Now police and emergency responders are worried that there may be more to come

Atlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?

Atlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?: The summary:  This “hotspot” is due to the faster turnover of water through the Atlantic’s currents as compared to the Pacific, where water can take 200-300 years to make a full circuit from one … Read moreAtlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?