We may have a carrier.. News emerged today that Dallas County law enforcement officers are looking for a man who rode in the Dallas Fire-Rescue ambulance that had carried a man stricken with Ebola to Texas Health Presbyterian hospital.. MORE from the local reports on the matter: County Judge Clay Jenkins said Dallas police and … Read moreEBOLA HUNT

Phantom booms: Those menacing noises in your head

Almost a year ago now, I was walking Mutley the dog .. it was a bright December morning, before all of those snowstorms of the winter time struck. We were in the middle no where–on a long path on a mountain. Suddenly, out of no where, I heard a loud shot gun like noise.. It sounded like it was right next to my head. The odd part of the circumstance was the fact that my dog–who barks at pins dropping–didn’t flinch an eye. Instead he acted as though he did not hear anything at all..

Read morePhantom booms: Those menacing noises in your head

Terror in the air: Cries of children and fears of passengers–even a Twilight star–who thought they’d die

The video is horrendous. Many people were weeping and trembling in fear as the cabin of a JetBlue flight began to fill with smoke.  To make matters more troubling to the senses, there are audible tears of babies rising in the background through the thick smoke in the video.. The flight crew was warning everyone to brace themselves before a potential crash landing.. and a star of TWILIGHT, Jackson Rathbone, was recording on his camera for the world to–hopefully–eventually see..

Read moreTerror in the air: Cries of children and fears of passengers–even a Twilight star–who thought they’d die