The ultimate question.. the poignant debate

Ground Zero radio show host Clyde Lewis is known for his mastery of the macabre and expertise on the paranormal.. Last night he broke down on the air and led a steady stream of emotional callers through the darkest hours of the night. Lewis hosted a show he called “The Bloody Beach Party on the … Read moreThe ultimate question.. the poignant debate

The prophecies of the paranoid?

There are some very strange currencies in the world.. the Pope may be debating whether dogs go to heaven and what limits on the freedom of speech should exist when discussing religion, but there is something far more supernatural potentially happening.. I read a report in the CATHOLIC WORLD REPORT concerning whether a “future pope … Read moreThe prophecies of the paranoid?

Do rabbits breed like Catholics in heaven?

Paradise.. a place for all of God’s creatures? If that’s the case, what about dogs and cats as well? The Pope has been saying some interesting things lately–like Catholics should not breed like rabbits and there should be limits to the freedom of speech and criticism of religion.. but something deeper is in question: In … Read moreDo rabbits breed like Catholics in heaven?

CHRISTMAS 2014: The Pope’s Christmas words

TEXT OF POPE FRANCIS’ HOMILY DURING CHRISTMAS EVE MASS, 2014 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined” (Is 9:1). “An angel of the Lord appeared to (the shepherds) and the glory of the Lord shone around them” … Read moreCHRISTMAS 2014: The Pope’s Christmas words

Bloody Mourning in Pakistan

Pakistan has begun three days of mourning in the aftermath of one of the most disgusting attacks on children that has taken place in humanity’s recent history.. The Taliban attack on the government school yesterday in Peshawar ended with 145 dead. Most of those brutal killings including shots in the head and beheadings were suffered … Read moreBloody Mourning in Pakistan

The unending quest for the unending: Eternal life

When I tell friends, family members, and co workers that there is a very real hunt to find the key to live forever, I’m scoffed at. Some inform me that the prospect of unending eternity is never going to happen.. They assure me God will step in and disallow any science to give us the … Read moreThe unending quest for the unending: Eternal life