You’re not fully cleaned until your Oxycleaned.. on that strange island that does not exist near Australia. In this timeline. Or another. I’m confused.

  I feel ‘oxy cuted’ .. you know that product, right? No, not the pimple meditation.. the other stuff that Billy Mays sold before his death. Ocyclean? There is a problem, of course.. the product, despite what I always thought, is not called Oxyclean. It is OXICLEAN. With an I not a Y. Really.. Don’t … Read moreYou’re not fully cleaned until your Oxycleaned.. on that strange island that does not exist near Australia. In this timeline. Or another. I’m confused.

The Clyde Lewis effect

My body may regret it but my mind does not..  This past week, I stayed up into the early morning hours listening to Clyde Lewis. It was one of his best shows, entitled Mandela Gaslighting Dilemma.  You can read the posted article or listen to the past show on Soundcloud through the Ground Zero site.. … Read moreThe Clyde Lewis effect

The King Henry VIII turkey leg mystery

I am going to add my voice to the countless others already clamoring about King Henry VIII and his famous turkey leg painting that, apparently on this timeline, never was.. A little explanation is in order. I have written countless times about ‘time sips’ and the Mandella Effect here, here, and here, just to name a … Read moreThe King Henry VIII turkey leg mystery