A Fumblr on Tumblr: When reblogging innocence is creepy

I have been a Tumblr blogger for about four years now, on and off.. While I have several hundred followers, I really don’t find myself finding TUMBLR to be a place for dedicated blogging or long winded posting.. The scene there is credits weird GIFs and cat memes much more than someone with a thoughtful … Read moreA Fumblr on Tumblr: When reblogging innocence is creepy

The year Santa Claus was safe

The year was 1961.. The Soviet Union was rumored to have begun a plan to test nuclear weapons at the North Pole. An 8-year-old named Michelle Rochon was motivated by the fear of this potential issue and she wrote then President John F. Kennedy a letter. Her words were simple.. she was a child with … Read moreThe year Santa Claus was safe

Only 7,200 minutes left to shop

The weekend is descending.. Nervous shoppers are undoubtedly expressing their panic in stores across America. Maybe. I heard an ad for KOHL’s today.. they are apparently set to treat their employees to 24/7 operations from this weekend until Christmas.. Before you rage against the machine, ask yourself this: Will people buy it? Literally.. will shoppers … Read moreOnly 7,200 minutes left to shop


THE SHOW IS OVER! THE INTERVIEW CANCELED X X X UNITED STATES LINKS NORTH KOREA TO HACK ATTACK ON SONY THE INTERVIEW was set to be the raunchy comedy for Christmas night.. but now that the GUARDIANS OF PEACE scared theater chains across the country with a ‘remember’ September 11th threat, SONY has pulled the … Read moreTHE SHOW’S OVER: CHRISTMAS CANCELED FOR SONY!

Shock new SONY leak: State Department official and RAND Corp OK’d the ending of THE INTERVIEW

The DAILY BEAST is reporting this news in fresh runs: Several emails now unearthed show how mightily political THE INTERVIEW was–so much so that the State Department played a key role in the inclusion of the film’s final gruesome death scene! MORE FROM THE DAILY BEAST: The Daily Beast has unearthed several emails that reveal … Read moreShock new SONY leak: State Department official and RAND Corp OK’d the ending of THE INTERVIEW


Last night we reported that Seth Rogen and James Franco canceled public appearances in the wake of the SONY hacker threat attacks on movie theaters that showed movie THE INTERVIEW. Now, only days before the planned Christmas day release of the North Korea parody film, SONY’s screening of the movie at Landmark’s Sunshine Cinema in … Read more‘THE INTERVIEW’ PREMIERE IN NEW YORK CITY CALLED OFF

When predictive programming probably isn’t

Here is some cool conspiracy for your Sunday.. The theory behind this video: Predictive programming in BACK TO THE FUTURE. The YOUTUBE video is well done, it gives us in depth coverage of Marty’s “Twin Pines” mall warnings about terrorists, and constant 9/11’s appearing in the movie.. of course numbers had to be inverted for … Read moreWhen predictive programming probably isn’t


There is this notion that once Halloween ends, the paranormal world closes down and the thin window between the ‘here and there’ closes.. If you believe in the paranormal to begin with, there’s no time or date on when ghostly affairs can take place. Even more, a view of Christmas throughout history shows that it … Read moreKEEPING THE KRAMPUS IN CHRISTMAS