The Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.

The Maryland couple who went viral after posting controversial videos of them playing “pranks” on their kids have lost custody of the two youngest children, at least temporarily, the Baltimore Sun reports. They are called the DaddyOFive on Youtube.. they are otherwise known as Michael and Heather Martin. And just recently they posted a public apology on … Read moreThe Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.

Trump and the new horror movie trend

Horror movies during the Trump years W MAGAZINE has a very good article running: Why horror movies will be the best art during the Trump Administration.. Author Max Lackin writes in part, Get Out subverts the home invasion genre’s classics like Friday the 13th and Scream—here, the menace is what’s already residing inside the white … Read moreTrump and the new horror movie trend

Valentine’s Day for the darker hearts: Top gift ideas for the fans of the creepy in your life

Marketing mayhem across America! Hearts and roses, flowers and dinners.. major nervousness starts to set in when you don’t have the perfect gift by about, oh… this weekend.. Valentine’s Day is coming fast. Pop Culture tells us that we need to have a gift in our back pocket at the ready for the special day. … Read moreValentine’s Day for the darker hearts: Top gift ideas for the fans of the creepy in your life

My what a beautiful monocle you DON’T HAVE

It happened again.. The Mandela Effect, for all its naysayers, seemingly strikes when you least expect it.. at the most comfortable of occasions, you find yourself uneasy.. Uncomfortable.. Unsure of what you may have just realized is true despite what you always knew to be reality. Last night while playing Monopoly, I took a hard … Read moreMy what a beautiful monocle you DON’T HAVE

The political winds of Halloween: Trump asking for a hand out of candy as his mask outsells Hillary. But does it mean anything at all?

I recall after 9/11, that particular Halloween, how ultra-sensitive and weird things were.. I remember the political ramifications of what you wore–the outfit could put you in the wrong category.. Are you with ‘us’ or against us..? This year may be about the same. It was strange to watch the Al Smith dinner the other … Read moreThe political winds of Halloween: Trump asking for a hand out of candy as his mask outsells Hillary. But does it mean anything at all?

The bombing of Blair Witch. Some proclaim the end of ‘found footage’ horror.. I say it’s just your usual generational shift

IT’S OVER! Sorta… The found horror movie crave is behind us.. So says Variety.. In an article celebrating the box office bomb that is the new BLAIR WITCH, the author, Owen Gleibermein, seems to celebrate the upcoming demise of the found horror movie. He also correctly points out that the demise may be far from happening–but the big profits … Read moreThe bombing of Blair Witch. Some proclaim the end of ‘found footage’ horror.. I say it’s just your usual generational shift

When the best response is no response, people just keep talking

​People have lost their ability for pensive thought.. private contemplation… personal judgement that stays inside. Instead, with the advent of all things social media, humanity has morphed into a strange array of over judgmental people with a taste for social justice warriors who offer nothing but vitriolic rage about everything.. We opine on every topic … Read moreWhen the best response is no response, people just keep talking