This is a lost never really seen before poster for BACK TO THE…

This is a lost never really seen before poster for BACK TO THE FUTURE from 1985.. I would sure love to own it. I guess now I can! As can you.. The poster is going up for auction. And from Ewbanks auction page, a description and price set. The auction scheduled for February 12, 2016. In … Read moreThis is a lost never really seen before poster for BACK TO THE…

Do all religions worship the same God?

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same god? College suspends professor who said yes.: Wheaton College, a prominent evangelical school in Illinois, has placed a professor on administrative leave after she posted on Facebook that Muslims and Christians “worship the same God.” The official school statement Tuesday about associate professor of political science Larycia Hawkins’s … Read moreDo all religions worship the same God?

The ratings collapse of Colbert

Bill Carter: How Jimmy Fallon Crushed Stephen Colbert (and Everyone Else in Late Night): This article goes to great pains attempting to explain why Stephen Colbert is failing in ratings.. One theory even says he is too smart for his audience. I disagree. If you read back in the annals of this website, I predicted … Read moreThe ratings collapse of Colbert

America and the red cup nation state hate

Every year.. it’s something. This year it’s cups. Cups of coffee from Dunkin feature holiday themes.. Starbucks changed to red but eliminated the ‘joy.’  A crisis has begun.. presidential candidates have put off talking about things that matter and delved deep into this issue.. It’s all the rage to be enraged. From one societal realm … Read moreAmerica and the red cup nation state hate

The urban legend stays an urban legend 

The myth of the ages: Knives in apples on Halloween night.. It never was true. The ‘candy man’ was but only to the degree that he was trying to kill his own child and use the poison candy as a cover..  This year we were treated to countless Facebook posts and national condemnation of whatever … Read moreThe urban legend stays an urban legend 

My son asked me about horror movies and I didn’t know what to say

Ever since childhood, I recall having horror movies somehow in my life. Pop cultural icons of the 1980s included HE-MAN and ALF, and Freddy Krueger as well. Entertainment news was saturated with the blood of slasher flicks. There was no escape. Nightmare on Elm Street had multiple parts. As did Jason Vorhees’ seemingly yearly trips … Read moreMy son asked me about horror movies and I didn’t know what to say

Actor with a true plastic face

You may not believe it to be true, but movies of the future will feature no acting.. Only robotic performances. Imagine an Oscar award given to the ‘best android’ in cinema? …The future is coming. From the UK TELEGRAPH, some startling information that should make you question if this all is a good idea or not, … Read moreActor with a true plastic face

Spot the Toynbee Tiles in your neighborhood today!

I love Toynbee tiles! I have loved them ever since I first started reading about them a decade ago.. And just this week, I was reminded of how cool they were when I read an ONLY IN YOUR STATE story about them in the city of Philadelphia, in my state of Pennsylvania.. You, too, can … Read moreSpot the Toynbee Tiles in your neighborhood today!

The internet gives you the freedom to say anything. And for so many people, that is an awful, awful thing

Multiple Firings After Racially Charged Facebook Remarks Mocking a Black Child Go Viral » Perhaps there are two lessons learned here. First, Facebook is not private. Even if you think it is.. even if you set it to private.. even if you believe you’re getting away with untoward comments.. you will be seen. And secondly? … Read moreThe internet gives you the freedom to say anything. And for so many people, that is an awful, awful thing