GREEN INFERNO may be a re-start of horror for the new generation

WASHINGTON POST reports how Eli Roth plots a new way ahead for horror films.. » Good article. My thoughts: I may not always appreciate the actual type of horror given to us by Eli Roth, but it’s creative and new.. it’s also, as the WASHINGTON POST says, paving the way for horror films of the … Read moreGREEN INFERNO may be a re-start of horror for the new generation


When I was a young pre-teen in the 1980s, NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET part 3, the DREAM WARRIORS, sort of changed my conception of horror.. it became campy, silly and fun.. Yes, Freddy was a menacing creature, whose background was that of a child molester and killer, but somehow Robert Englund turned Wes Craven’s character … Read moreTHE NIGHTMARE THAT WASN’T

Tetrad -idatious over September offerings 

This month is THE month for many.. the month of doom. The month of blood moons.. the month of Papal lunacy. The month of potential prophetic biblical fulfillment. Or maybe.. just September for others.     Unless you’ve lived under a tin-foil covered rock, you have heard about the endless amounts of websites and blogs portraying … Read moreTetrad -idatious over September offerings 

Move over creepy clowns. We have a cloaked meat dropper on our hands

This photograph of a cloaked man *(or woman?) dropping meat on (or near) a playground has started an internet frenzy. The Drudge Report linked it. And now I did too.. though I feel the Drudge Report may have a bit more pull when it comes to hits. Nonetheless, here’s the bizarre tale, as we know … Read moreMove over creepy clowns. We have a cloaked meat dropper on our hands

The risk of horror movies inspired by true events

Horror movie inspired by real Isla Vista killings sparks outrage, and a petition to stop the release Director Shaun Hart writes, “While I do admit there is the connection of Santa Barbara, this film is not about Elliot Rodger” /// MORE.. 20,000 sign petition to stop release of DEL PLAYA.. This type of event should … Read moreThe risk of horror movies inspired by true events


I have long believed that horror movies and professional wrestling are pop cultural examples of any given time or generation.. I have believed that, still do, and will always. As an example, as quick as I can explain, Hulk Hogan was the hero of the 1980s. Pure. Americana.. vitamins. The secrets of the 80s era … Read moreBLOODY MISTAKES

Another wresting legend gone: Roddy Piper dead

Bagpipes will be greeting him in heaven.. He was a legend of his time and ahead of his time just the same. Tonight TMZ is exclusively reporting that Roddy Piper died at 61 of cardiac arrest–news I don’t want to believe but information I believe is credible enough to pass along.. This year has seen … Read moreAnother wresting legend gone: Roddy Piper dead