M NIGHT not so Wayward in new show

For years, the legendary M Night Shyamalan has lost his luster.. gone were the hits and surprise endings.. And in were the critics who slammed him for lame story lines and hackneyed tales and fables. WAYWARD PINES was different.. Since the inception of the show, ratings were strong. Viewers seemingly have become content with NIGHT’s … Read moreM NIGHT not so Wayward in new show

One week that changed America

Something has seemingly occurred within the United States over the past week. There has been social unrest.. social upheaveal .. social crisis.. And suddenly, after a shooting in Charleston along a 33rd parallel often associated with demonic evil, the nation came together. President Barack Obama literally sang Amazing Grace to an audience grieving the 9 … Read moreOne week that changed America


The new SCREAM mask revealed.. Wes Craven told Entertainment WEEKLY–the magazine that got the selfie–“The new mask is cool and scary and takes the series into a new direction”.. SCREAM will premiere on MTV on June 30.. The mask takes the series in a new direction, you can tell.. The importance of masks is evident.. … Read moreDOES THIS SCREAM MASK SPEAK LOUDER?