What’s eating you?

One of my favorite horror movies is Jeepers Creepers.  Despite the questionable directorial career of Victor Salva, I thought he made a film–even almost 2 decades later!– has withstood the test of time. In the film, a brother and sister casually and calmly drive on long country roads. Very soon to the movie, a truck … Read moreWhat’s eating you?

Tetrad -idatious over September offerings 

This month is THE month for many.. the month of doom. The month of blood moons.. the month of Papal lunacy. The month of potential prophetic biblical fulfillment. Or maybe.. just September for others.     Unless you’ve lived under a tin-foil covered rock, you have heard about the endless amounts of websites and blogs portraying … Read moreTetrad -idatious over September offerings 

The world is worse than ever? Consider some awful torture devices from antiquity before you render judgement

I had a discussion with someone today .. her point of view: The world is worse than ever. I countered.. and I stand by my point: The world is the same as it ever was. The only difference is now the filters are removed, the truth is out there.. and we know it all. Case … Read moreThe world is worse than ever? Consider some awful torture devices from antiquity before you render judgement