Some conspiracy for you .. Last night radio host Clyde Lewis…

Some conspiracy for you .. Last night radio host Clyde Lewis extensively talked about his thoughts on the Las Vegas shooting. Also discussed: Some of the oddities that the shooting includes.. Like this: No reports that cars were damaged.. no reports of flat tires.. A bit odd. Today news got odder.. now Paddock’s girlfriend is … Read moreSome conspiracy for you .. Last night radio host Clyde Lewis…

Las Vegas shooting suspect’s girlfriend is ‘person of interest’, says sheriff

Las Vegas shooting suspect’s girlfriend is ‘person of interest’, says sheriff: Sheriff Joseph Lombardo of Clark County said detectives are in contact with Marilou Danley, who was travelling in the Philippines at the time of the massacre and remains there. “The investigation with her is ongoing and we anticipate some further information from her shortly,” … Read moreLas Vegas shooting suspect’s girlfriend is ‘person of interest’, says sheriff

Desensitized to shootings October 2, 2017..The madness of the Las Vegas shooting continues .. the…

Desensitized to shootings October 2, 2017.. The madness of the Las Vegas shooting continues .. the aftermath of a massacre.. Incidentally it’s the anniversary of the famous but sadly now forgotten Nickel Mines shooting in Pennsylvania … something so horrific looks so tame compared to the modern news today.. At that time, in Pennsylvania, the … Read moreDesensitized to shootings October 2, 2017..The madness of the Las Vegas shooting continues .. the…