The amazing things that happen when you’re busy making other plans. Four years on..

The John Lennon song still is true.. there are things in life that remind you you’re not in charge. Such an event occurred February 2011 when my wife went into labor after watching a Cosby Show rerun with me around 3am–the witching hour. She had our son, Ayden Morris, near 1pm hours later.. From that … Read moreThe amazing things that happen when you’re busy making other plans. Four years on..

UK nuclear sites warned over drone terror attack

BRITAIN’S nuclear plants are at risk from a terrorist strike by unmanned drone aircraft, writes Caroline Wheeler. And it’s not just the UK.. It’s anywhere as drones take over our planet. This is one of those little side effects of the DRONELAND we have become.. the notion that one little tiny specimen of tin and … Read moreUK nuclear sites warned over drone terror attack

The world takes notice to KIM’s new haircut: It defies gravity and is the new rage of social networking.. Of course for all of the wrong reasons..No one ever said dictators had style.. It is time to send Dennis Rodman back to North Korea to solve this world crisis..

New UN report reveals collaboration between Israel and Syrian rebels

The new documents show that Israel has been doing more than simply treating wounded Syrian civilians in hospitals. And add THIS to that story: Truth bomb from Wesley Clark: He said that ISIS was created from ‘friend and allies’.. The source of this news could be considered a biased Russian reporting service. So in that … Read moreNew UN report reveals collaboration between Israel and Syrian rebels