The entire east coast needs to watch Hurricane Irma ..Some model projections are scary. I’ll…
The entire east coast needs to watch Hurricane Irma .. Some model projections are scary. I’ll leave it at that.. from Tumblr
The entire east coast needs to watch Hurricane Irma .. Some model projections are scary. I’ll leave it at that.. from Tumblr
Amid Harvey floods, Houston chief worries ‘how many bodies?’ – ABC News: Grim realities awake first responders in Houston .. the chief is worried about the number of bodies that will eventually be found .. from Tumblr
Joel Osteen Won’t Open 16,000-Seat Houston Church to Hurricane Victims: And now he’s blocking people on twitter who are calling him out .. from Tumblr
North Korea missile ‘fired towards Northern Japan lands in the sea as residents are urged to take immediate shelter underground’ from Tumblr
We are pleased to report that everyone from this flooded nursing home in Dickinson, TX has been rescued. This is one of many pictures that have gone viral from the Harvey Catastrophe. Sadly, more than a foot of additional rain here is expected from the Tropical Storm. This image has been one of the saddest … Read moreWe are pleased to report that everyone from this flooded nursing…
The disaster that won’t end from Tumblr
yahoonewsphotos: ‘CATASTROPHE UNFOLDS’: How newspapers covered Harvey As Hurricane Harvey continues to batter the South Texas coast, national newspapers reacted to the disaster with headlines and photos to fit the storm, which has already left at least two dead. The word “catastrophe” appeared frequently. ( See more photos from newspapers and our other slideshows on … Read moreyahoonewsphotos: ‘CATASTROPHE UNFOLDS’: How newspapers covered…
I approached this morning with a sense of dread mixed with nostalgia, coupled with happiness and topped with pride. My on Ayden began his newest journey in life: 1st grade.. Today made Kindergarten look easy. The tears..the fears… Yes,there may still be some. But the kindergarten emotions are gone. Instead it is a pure and … Read moreI approached this morning with a sense of dread mixed with…
Complete disaster situation in Houston from Tumblr
Complete disaster situation in Houston from Tumblr