everythingstarstuff: Graffiti Highway in Centralia…
everythingstarstuff: Graffiti Highway in Centralia Pennsylvania A photo of graffiti highway filled with colors and paint… from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2tt7eDZ
everythingstarstuff: Graffiti Highway in Centralia Pennsylvania A photo of graffiti highway filled with colors and paint… from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2tt7eDZ
oneterabyteofkilobyteage: original url http://ift.tt/2sU9KBP last modified 2001-05-23 05:56:06 You know .. of all the old geocities screen shots posted on oneterabyteofkilobrteage may very well be one of the best. It was very non-geocities like.. it looks like a page of today.. bravo to the user from yesteryear who created it … And if you don’t … Read moreoneterabyteofkilobyteage: original url…
Flickr and Tumblr Users With AT&T Emails Are About to Lose Access to Their Accounts. ON JUNE 30! This week!: Verizon-owned social media platform Tumblr, along with a laundry list of other Yahoo services, is potentially locking users out of their accounts due to an ending partnership between Yahoo and AT&T, according to Techcrunch. If … Read moreFlickr and Tumblr Users With AT&T Emails Are About to Lose Access to Their Accounts. ON JUNE 30! This week!
Netflix digital axe: ‘Girlboss’ cut after one season: As many are saying.. ratings at Netflix are a mystery. They don’t talk. But they can cancel.. The show was unpopular with critics from the start, with just a 32 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes – a rarity for a Netflix comedy. Though the premise about … Read moreNetflix digital axe: ‘Girlboss’ cut after one season
Netflix digital axe: ‘Girlboss’ cut after one season: As many are saying.. ratings at Netflix are a mystery. They don’t talk. But they can cancel.. The show was unpopular with critics from the start, with just a 32 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes – a rarity for a Netflix comedy. Though the premise about … Read moreNetflix digital axe: ‘Girlboss’ cut after one season
The coal miner from the Schuylkill mall is now at Knoebels.. from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2tOsh0x
CALL ME (PINE) NUTS Had a bit of a panic set in over the past few days .. around Friday night, whenever I ate or drank anything, even water, I had this strange sour metallic taste in my mouth. It only amplified on Saturday. Today, as I write this, Sunday, I have some moderate issues. … Read moreCALL ME (PINE) NUTSHad a bit of a panic set in over the past few…
While cutting the lawn, the mower stumbled across a Copperhead. May God rest its soul. And Ayden’s action figure it was attempting to devour. from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2sDwndv
A beautiful colorful carrot and red sauce pizza! from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2t4JaqS
Summer’s finest from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2s1iq5G