Some nostalgia for your video pleasure.. These are various…

Some nostalgia for your video pleasure.. These are various reports from the BATMAN era in 1989. I was 9. It was amazing, I saw the film at least 5 times in the theater and it forever changed my life.  Here’s just a few little snippets of history of media coverage from almost GASP! 30 years … Read moreSome nostalgia for your video pleasure.. These are various…

THE PITTS:  iHeartRadio may not survive!

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: ….and the company is the one saying it.. This coming from an industry publication MARKETWATCH.. The money quote:  iHeartMedia Inc., the biggest operator of radio stations in the U.S. and headed by Bob Pittman of MTV fame, plans to include language in its next quarterly report warning investors that it may not survive another … Read moreTHE PITTS:  iHeartRadio may not survive!

Marine Le Pen gets poll boost after Paris attack as Donald Trump says her chances of victory have improved // Donald Trump has said the Paris terrorist attack would boost Marine Le Pen’s presidential chances after a last-minute poll gave her a modest increase in support.

Marine Le Pen gets poll boost after Paris attack as Donald Trump says her chances of victory have improved // Donald Trump has said the Paris terrorist attack would boost Marine Le Pen’s presidential chances after a last-minute poll gave her a modest increase in support. from Tumblr