Happy New year.. I guess.
Static before bed
Me, after getting a static shock from a light switch: Tara, I just got the biggest shock of my life A half asleep Tara: What, are you pregnant too?
The world is on fire with floods, and covered with snow
The flood down under.. Australia floods cover area the size of France/Germany
SO this is how Kanye has to end the year? Leaked Kanye West MONSTER video features dead models hanging by nooses with dismembered heads littering the floor..
http://www.valleynewslive.com/global/video/videoplayer.js?rnd=470035;hostDomain=www.valleynewslive.com;playerWidth=330;playerHeight=255;isShowIcon=true;clipId=5427232;flvUri=;partnerclipid=;adTag=News;advertisingZone=undefined;enableAds=true;landingPage=;islandingPageoverride=false;playerType=STANDARD_EMBEDDEDscript;v=2;controlsType=overlay Midwest disaster! Blizzard Causes 100 Car Pileup in North Dakota… (Source: http://www.valleynewslive.com/)
From the DVD player of the Coal Speaker
I would highly recommend the film “Grown Ups.” Great humor–enough for adults to get and kids to laugh at. Watch as a family.. Watch it alone.
Goodbye to ’10
New York says ‘good riddance’ to 2010 Tomorrow we will all be saying good riddance to the times of our lives, the time of 2010 .. but will the days of a new age be better? With 2011 merely hours away, the sun will soon rise on a new day. We’ve all been through this … Read moreGoodbye to ’10
Snipers and Snooki: Not all stories lead to the other
Times Square nixes ‘Snooki’ And Times Square Security High on Holiday Eve Perhaps it’s the counter-snipers and undercover agents that didn’t want to see Snooki inside a ball dropping to the ground in Times Square tomorrow night..
AP photo: Semi-trucks line up over a bridge in Bellemont, Ariz., on Thursday, Dec. 30, 2010. A winter storm kept motorists off Interstate 40 in northern Arizona for hours AP Photo/Felicia Fonseca