Wait.. Elton John is a dad?! Before me?!
I see you picked up the story about all the medicated kids….. Well, considering the rising levels of adhd, autism, bipolar disorder and a host of other neurological disorders (especially in boys), wouldn’t you suspect that the drug intake level is also rising. Perhaps a better article would be “what the hell is happening to our little boys?” I certainly don’t begrudge the parents out there raising special needs kids trying meds. Walk a mile. And it certainly beats frontal lobotomies and putting them in “willowbrook” to rot until they die like they did in the good old days.
Agreed.. It’s an interesting point that boys, more than girls, seem to be affected by disorders such as autism. What actually scares me more than the prescription drug issue is that it seems people have slowly just accepted autism as it grows and grows among children.. There has to be an answer out there somewhere. … Read moreI see you picked up the story about all the medicated kids…..
Well, considering the rising levels of adhd, autism, bipolar disorder and a host of other neurological disorders (especially in boys), wouldn’t you suspect that the drug intake level is also rising. Perhaps a better article would be “what the hell is happening to our little boys?” I certainly don’t begrudge the parents out there raising special needs kids trying meds. Walk a mile. And it certainly beats frontal lobotomies and putting them in “willowbrook” to rot until they die like they did in the good old days.
I see you picked up the story about all the medicated kids….. Well, considering the rising levels of adhd, autism, bipolar disorder and a host of other neurological disorders (especially in boys), wouldn’t you suspect that the drug intake level is also rising. Perhaps a better article would be “what the hell is happening to our little boys?” I certainly don’t begrudge the parents out there raising special needs kids trying meds. Walk a mile. And it certainly beats frontal lobotomies and putting them in “willowbrook” to rot until they die like they did in the good old days.
Agreed.. It’s an interesting point that boys, more than girls, seem to be affected by disorders such as autism. What actually scares me more than the prescription drug issue is that it seems people have slowly just accepted autism as it grows and grows among children.. There has to be an answer out there somewhere. … Read moreI see you picked up the story about all the medicated kids…..
Well, considering the rising levels of adhd, autism, bipolar disorder and a host of other neurological disorders (especially in boys), wouldn’t you suspect that the drug intake level is also rising. Perhaps a better article would be “what the hell is happening to our little boys?” I certainly don’t begrudge the parents out there raising special needs kids trying meds. Walk a mile. And it certainly beats frontal lobotomies and putting them in “willowbrook” to rot until they die like they did in the good old days.
Maybe the best advertisement about why New Yorkers may want to leave the city if another snowstorm hits this year
Gov. Ed Rendell Gets Special “Non-Wuss” Seat At The Eagles Game
The best of New Zealand’s UFO dump
Alien writing, masks and ships
I love New York City. I love visiting. Often I wished I’d live there. Today, I’d happy I’m not there.
Looking at video of the “cleanup” in the city that never sleeps is brutal.. cleanup workers smashing into parked cars.. streets still not plowed. A mess is predicted to be coming this weekend, just in time for the Times Square celebration. It may be likely that the ball will drop in a mass of sludge … Read moreI love New York City. I love visiting. Often I wished I’d live there. Today, I’d happy I’m not there.
A disturbing glimpse at the youth of America: 25% of them taking prescription drugs
As a soon to be parent, this story alarms me as much as it does saddens me. I don’t want little Ayden to be a pill popper. And of the 25% how many really need this..? A disturbing glimpse at the youth of America: 25% of them taking prescription drugs
Looking for employment..?
Where are the jobs? For many companies, overseas
The sun is setting on another year..