The odd case of the missing skier found in sunny Southern Cali!!

Missing skier found in Sacramento took big rig after being lost near Lake Placid  Constantinos “Danny” Filippidis, a Toronto firefighter, was wearing the snow gear his friends last saw him in Feb. 7 before he went missing at the Whiteface Mountain ski resort in Wilmington, N.Y., prompting a massive search that included state and federal … Read moreThe odd case of the missing skier found in sunny Southern Cali!!

KISS the Calf

Most of the time I think these types of stories are ridiculous.. things like the Virgin Mary in toast. Or Jesus in a shadow.. or .. well… GENE SIMMONS ON A COW!? This one .. really.. this one seems to be exact. This looks like Gene Simmons. Rancher Heather Leonard Taccetta, who works at the … Read moreKISS the Calf

Spot the Toynbee Tiles in your neighborhood today!

I love Toynbee tiles! I have loved them ever since I first started reading about them a decade ago.. And just this week, I was reminded of how cool they were when I read an ONLY IN YOUR STATE story about them in the city of Philadelphia, in my state of Pennsylvania.. You, too, can … Read moreSpot the Toynbee Tiles in your neighborhood today!