The Blue Blues across the United States
U.S. officials and at least one state said Friday that they have started investigations into a nationwide CenturyLink internet outage that has disrupted 911 service
Publicity stunt triggers massive traffic jam in downtown L.A. as rap artist scales traffic sign
Publicity stunt triggers massive traffic jam in downtown L.A. as rap artist scales traffic sign
The odd case of the missing skier found in sunny Southern Cali!!
Missing skier found in Sacramento took big rig after being lost near Lake Placid Constantinos “Danny” Filippidis, a Toronto firefighter, was wearing the snow gear his friends last saw him in Feb. 7 before he went missing at the Whiteface Mountain ski resort in Wilmington, N.Y., prompting a massive search that included state and federal … Read moreThe odd case of the missing skier found in sunny Southern Cali!!
Irma the 9/11 hurricane
The latest storm guidance is giving Irma a wobble. This morning long lines formed at stores and gas stations. Now Miami is confused looked at new models that showcase a trend OFF the coast. But don’t be fooled.This storm is set to damage whoever is in its path.. right now it still is too early … Read moreIrma the 9/11 hurricane
KISS the Calf
Most of the time I think these types of stories are ridiculous.. things like the Virgin Mary in toast. Or Jesus in a shadow.. or .. well… GENE SIMMONS ON A COW!? This one .. really.. this one seems to be exact. This looks like Gene Simmons. Rancher Heather Leonard Taccetta, who works at the … Read moreKISS the Calf
Spot the Toynbee Tiles in your neighborhood today!
I love Toynbee tiles! I have loved them ever since I first started reading about them a decade ago.. And just this week, I was reminded of how cool they were when I read an ONLY IN YOUR STATE story about them in the city of Philadelphia, in my state of Pennsylvania.. You, too, can … Read moreSpot the Toynbee Tiles in your neighborhood today!