aba parade
Welcome home ABA. Maybe next year.
ABA parade was the most amazing time of year. And now all we have are the memories..
FAMOUS LAST WORDS BY BILLY JOEL Sitting here in Avalon, looking at the pouring rain Summer time has come and gone, and everybody’s home again Closing down for the season, I found the last of the souvenirs I can still taste the wedding cake and it’s sweet after all these years These are the last … Read moreSEPTEMBER 2 2016: FAMOUS LAST WORDS
DATELINE STILLWATER OKLAHOMA: A tragic day as a parade ends with a fatal crash.. # # # As the Associated Press dispatch reports: STILLWATER, Okla. (AP) — Lawn chairs, blankets and water bottles were strewn in the street and bodies remained at the scene as Oklahoma State University fans walked past an intersection where a woman … Read more
For fellow Schuylkill Countians: An ABA parade is set for this year
This is great news… For fellow Schuylkill Countians: An ABA parade is set for this year