President of Argentina Adopts Boy to Stop Him from Becoming a Werewolf

This is a real headline.. According to The Independent, Argentina’s president, President Christina Fernández de Kirchner adopted a boy named Yair Tawil as her godson so that he would not turn into a werewolf. President of Argentina Adopts Boy to Stop Him from Becoming a Werewolf

All the trouble in the world, first 2011 edition

Strong new year’s quake rattles Argentina.. Six dead after tornadoes strike Midwest..It was a rare New Year’s tornado outbreak..A trail of destruction..Homes damaged..Wind and rain rip through Mississippi..Red Cross aiding tornado victims.. Cities evacuated as flooding begins to spread throughout Australia..The flooding yesterday was already as large as the nation of France..Coastal areas brace for … Read moreAll the trouble in the world, first 2011 edition