Halloween, Sandy..and countless tales of varied human emotions.

Still trying to get my head the superstorm and how much it has changed lives along the East Coast. There is suddenly a ton of nostalgia for the Jersey shore, as Governor Chris Christie says that the coastline is forever changed. Looking at images of fire and flooding, you cannot doubt that. Even more, Queens … Read moreHalloween, Sandy..and countless tales of varied human emotions.

Tonight on Coast to Coast AM: Hurricane Coverage..

And on the program will be one of my favorite guests (mostly because he was a staple of Art Bell’s show): John Hogue. He is the Nostradomus expert. And if you read what he wrote about a year ago, he actually predicted some type of carnage and nation-paralyzing tropical storms. Maybe he was right? See … Read moreTonight on Coast to Coast AM: Hurricane Coverage..

It’s the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel…. like it’s not true!

Anyone in the Nibiru camp knows who John Moore is. Moore has been talking about Navy maps and all the like for decades. Planet X, or as I like to call it, Planet X-y Sexy, is coming in for a landing soon, so says The Liberty Man Moore. In recent weeks, the internet has lit … Read moreIt’s the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel…. like it’s not true!

The Earth has been lucking out lately, but solar events continue to get stronger

The UK DAILY MAIL reports what we already seem to be aware of: Solar flares just seem to be stronger and stronger in recent months.. Last week we have been seen numerous M class flares and one strong X class flare explode from our sun. Some sunspots have been so large that they 15 Earths … Read moreThe Earth has been lucking out lately, but solar events continue to get stronger

Coast to Coast AM suddenly made me feel scared again

It’s been a while since the late night radio show Coast to Coast AM was able to get under my skin and penetrate deep into my mind.. freak me out.. and make me look over my shoulder when I’m in the woods. Typically George Noory doesn’t have the ability that the great Art Bell did … Read moreCoast to Coast AM suddenly made me feel scared again


Coast to Coast AM, tonight hosted by George Knapp, delves into the strange stories of people who are vanishing from national parks and forests.. no one quite knows why, the government doesn’t comment, and we are left to speculate. And look behind us if we’re in a park or forest, too. Knapp’s a classy guy. … Read moreIF YOU’RE TRYING TO SLEEP BUT CAN’T, STOP SLEEPING AND JUST GET CREEPED OUT