This TV movie, WITHOUT WARNING, scared me to hell when I was 14 years old. I re-watched again tonight for some reason after I read that an enormous asteroid was zipping between the earth and the moon tonight. As a matter of fact, the 100 feet wide asteroid will be closer than the moon.. Thankfully so, … Read more

The pink stars thankfully are not falling. Or are they?

A massive asteroid, the size of three football fields, is flying by earth today. And thankfully: Safely. The asteroid is 2000 EM26. You can watch the Slooh webcast starting at 9pm EDT on February 17 2014 … It will be 2.1million miles away (pretty close in space terms, right?) The GUARDIAN reports this: But it … Read moreThe pink stars thankfully are not falling. Or are they?

INCOMING! breakingnews: Asteroid due to fly in between Earth and the moon NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program says a small asteroid will fly in between Earth and the moon on Tuesday, with its closest pass to our planet occurring around 5:45 p.m. ET. The asteroid was first discovered on Oct. 25. During its closest pass, the … Read more

You know why American students are so bad at science…?

Here’s an example.. A story comes out that an asteroid may hit in 2032 (and another one in 2036, but that’s besides the point) .. and what does the news media collectively do? Put it at the end of their newscasts, or the back of the paper, and make a little funny quip about ‘better … Read moreYou know why American students are so bad at science…?


And asteroid four times closer than the moon just flew by earth.. It was the size of a truck.. And if you’re wondering why you didn’t hear about it until now, it’s because it wasn’t discovered about a day ago.. When will earth’s luck run out?

A Saturday night scare, courtesy of space

There is a comet in the Western sky tonight. That’s not the scary part. The scary part is this: An asteroid, only discovered six days ago, is passing relatively close to earth. And it’s as big as a city block–something that would have done a bit of hardcore damage on this planet should it have … Read moreA Saturday night scare, courtesy of space

Intrigue over comet C/2013 A1.. it may hit Mars in 2014.. the possibilities explained.. Maybe plans that that millionaire has to fly a married couple by the red planet in 2018 … will change.  Or funny enough, maybe the comet if it strikes could bring building blocks (or rebuilding blocks) to Mars and …. generations … Read more