Wow. It’s here. 2013. Wonder what it felt like in 1913??? Do we have anything in common with the presiding generation a century ago? I think so. We still hold on to each other when midnight strikes and sing Auld Lang Syne as loud as we can.. And that’s something, right?
auld lang syne
Here’s hoping your cup is full and 2011 brings joy and peace. Fingers crossed. (Source:
Here’s hoping your cup is full and 2011 brings joy and peace. Fingers crossed. (Source:
The world in 1950 .. Santa Claus happily singing about Camels as the world, weary from a World War, wanted peace and prosperity. In 2011, we’re not all that different from the grandfolks. We want peace but won’t get it. We want money but don’t have it. We want a world that runs smoothly but … Read more