Justin Bieber is turned down by woman he spotted on Instagram..

Justin Bieber is turned down by woman he spotted on Instagram..: A woman named Jessica Gober has claimed on Twitter that Justin Bieber contacted the gym she works at after seeing her on its Instagram page .. And social media watched as she uploaded pictures showcasing her happy relationship, laughing off BIEBS fever.. from Tumblr … Read moreJustin Bieber is turned down by woman he spotted on Instagram..

Leif Garrett to Justin Bieber: ‘Don’t believe your own publicity’

I loved reading this article about Garrett’s advice to the Beeb with the feev.. It’s so true, too. Think about it. Garrett was a major hearththrob and teen idol in the 1970s.. he battled drugs.. he was  a star. And at 51, most don’t know who he is nor what he did.. at least not … Read moreLeif Garrett to Justin Bieber: ‘Don’t believe your own publicity’

There is a special place in hell for scum Justin Bieber and his security team: NY POST reports that cops are looking into whether Beebs told his security to beat up New York City clubber Wayne Rennalls Wild brawl in the Hamptons detailed as the whiny brat was restrained by his security.. Marky Mark Wahlberg speaks … Read more

He is Bieber. Hear him roar. Roar in a tiny voice..He tweeted his 35 million fans last night that he had the worst birthday ever. Apparently the 19-year-old tried to have some friends, very very underage, get into a club. A scuffle occurred. And the rest became pop culture history. I am sure the world … Read more