FAMOUS LAST WORDS BY BILLY JOEL Sitting here in Avalon, looking at the pouring rain Summer time has come and gone, and everybody’s home again Closing down for the season, I found the last of the souvenirs I can still taste the wedding cake and it’s sweet after all these years These are the last … Read moreSEPTEMBER 2 2016: FAMOUS LAST WORDS

2013? 2013!! Yes… 2013. Period. And Labor Day along with it. This Billy Joel song, FAMOUS LAST WORDS, is the ballad of my labor days of years past, present, and probably future.. I still recall getting this CD for my birthday from my brother in 1993, and I listened to it over and over, and … Read more

It is Billy Joel’s birthday today.. So happy birthday piano man. I actually found this photo of him when he was 32, the same age that I am right now. Not a good looking mug… But a fat wallet for decades. I own all of his albums, some on tape and some in CD.. All … Read more