AP: In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy

Money quote: What the would-be sleuths won’t find is Obama’s “long-form birth certificate,” a confidential one-page document containing his original birth records kept on file in the first floor of the Department of Health. Those original birth records typically include additional birth details, such as the hospital and delivering doctor, said Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the … Read moreAP: In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy

The birthers certainly will not stop their fight now

If you were paying attention to the perpetual Obama birth certificate story, this week was one of the stranger ones.. Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie said he would release the Obama birth certificate.. then backtracked after, according to reports, it was not able to be found. But now if it is there, the Governor’s office is … Read moreThe birthers certainly will not stop their fight now