SHAKING. RATTLING. ROLLING. Linda Moulton Howe is thankfully on the case of why the entire country seems to be booming and shaking

More shaking being reported in Rhode Island.. And Connecticut gets its 9TH EARTHQUAKE in just days.. It still feels to me like an inactive fault line has come alive to provide a new generation lots of shaking in a place not equipped to handle it. If a number of fault lines along the East Coast spring to life, buildings have not been made to withstand constant trembles..

Read moreSHAKING. RATTLING. ROLLING. Linda Moulton Howe is thankfully on the case of why the entire country seems to be booming and shaking

Mysterious Christmas Eve ‘boom’ heard and felt around GTA

Around 11 p.m. Christmas Eve, people reported hearing a loud “boom” in Toronto, Newmarket, Aurora, Belleville, Richmond Hill, and Sutton. Not only was the boom heard, but it rattled houses, leaving many to believe that a tree had fallen on their rooftop When in doubt, blame a ‘frost quake.’ And that’s just what is being … Read moreMysterious Christmas Eve ‘boom’ heard and felt around GTA

Rumors and rumbles: What is New Jersey *and many other places* shaking?

Rumble in the Garden State.. Many websites had information about rumblings, booms, and tremors the other day…They remain a mystery, though all the likely sources like planes and military say they aren’t responsible . Is it natural gas? Chris Christie running for another donut?  A calamity coming to earth? …booms from aliens? Lots of strange theories abound. And … Read moreRumors and rumbles: What is New Jersey *and many other places* shaking?