Now America chooses. Who are you voting for (or who did you vote for)?
campaign 2012
Final calls from pundits and prognosticators. Plus Katy Perry in a skin tight latex ballot outfit.
Election day predictions.. from pundits and soothsayers. Will they say anything if they are wrong? Dick Morris predicts from a limb: Romney 325, Obama 213.. Michael Tomasky Obama 294, Romeny 244 Nate Silver: Obama 303, Romney 235 Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223 Ezra Klein: Obama 290, Romney 248 George Will: Romney 321, Obama 217 … Read moreFinal calls from pundits and prognosticators. Plus Katy Perry in a skin tight latex ballot outfit.
You know how you can tell that Candy Crowley is a good moderator of tomorrow’s debate?
This: Both campaigns aren’t happy with her and want her to play a limited role, even not wanting her to follow up with questions if she asks things that the spin doctors and talking points don’t cover during the debate. Good luck Candy. We will be watching.
More great SNL with this (Source:
Not bad SNL (Source:
This is actually a pretty interesting NBC story about how and where Americans tuned into the presidential debate. Over beers and laundry.. and lots of other places as well. Sixty-one million folks watched. A moment captured in time.
In 2004 George Bush was accused of having a listening device in his back during the debates, and now this year Mitt Romney is accused of using a cheat sheet
However the campaign says it was a handkerchief Others may respond that only the elite use handkerchiefs This is all getting to be too much. Wake me up when November ends In 2004 George Bush was accused of having a listening device in his back during the debates, and now this year Mitt Romney is … Read moreIn 2004 George Bush was accused of having a listening device in his back during the debates, and now this year Mitt Romney is accused of using a cheat sheet
The debate rehash: A blown chance.. or purposeful tactic?
While I am certainly not a paid analyst that regularly opines on politics are strategies behind candidates surges or splurges, I will say this: The debate the other night was one of the most horrendous public appearances for the President in years. Some are chiding him for losing touch.. losing his fire in his tiny … Read moreThe debate rehash: A blown chance.. or purposeful tactic?
All smiles.. At first.
DEBATE NIGHT! Who’s watching, who’s playing drinking games, and who do you think will win?