Bart to the future. And America in the present.

​Yesterday was weird. Trump voters couldn’t conceal their smile, Hillary voters didn’t stop shedding tears. It was a tale of two nations.. some extreme went on Twitter to explain that Donald Trump was not their president, they said 11/9 was the new 9/11, and by nightfall several cities had protesters—even violent ones—exuding the idea that … Read moreBart to the future. And America in the present.


​Ever since the tender age of 12, around the election of 1992, I have felt like presidential election days were like Christmas.. There is no gift except the Time and Newsweek magazine collection I have with presidential covers — yes I am that lame.  I kept my love for politics somewhat hidden but by high … Read moreHIGH STRANGENESS AT YOUR LOCAL POLLING PLACE. TODAY IS THE DAY.


AT&T to buy HBO, CNN, and the rest of Time Warner for more than $80 billion.. If successful, AT&T will gain control of huge entertainment and news brands including HBO, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CNN, and resembles efforts by competing ISPs in recent years to create enormous media conglomerates. » And one of the biggest deals … Read moreBATMAN TO MERGE WITH AT&T!?

The political winds of Halloween: Trump asking for a hand out of candy as his mask outsells Hillary. But does it mean anything at all?

I recall after 9/11, that particular Halloween, how ultra-sensitive and weird things were.. I remember the political ramifications of what you wore–the outfit could put you in the wrong category.. Are you with ‘us’ or against us..? This year may be about the same. It was strange to watch the Al Smith dinner the other … Read moreThe political winds of Halloween: Trump asking for a hand out of candy as his mask outsells Hillary. But does it mean anything at all?

When truth is reality and fiction is real: The political climate we live in now entering DEFCON 3

Last night, Matt Drudge of Drudge Report top story linked an article appearing on Real Clear Politics. The story posted on that site showcased a YouTube video from personality Joey Salads. Salads claimed that he set up a hidden camera and placed a car with Trump for president signs in a ‘black neighborhood’–unnamed by the … Read moreWhen truth is reality and fiction is real: The political climate we live in now entering DEFCON 3

State party severs the server

​Strange tweets last night were sent out by Wikileaks .. ‘pre-committments’ as they were called.. and only a few hours later, the internet world was in mayhem as Wikileaks sent out a message that “Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party” … they have “activated the appropriate contigency plans..”  The … Read moreState party severs the server

When stardom meets the Internet: Ken Boned

If you watched the debate.. you saw this: The new hero of the presidential campaign.. Kenneth Bone and his red sweater.. But since then, the world of red sweaters (and Halloween costumes of him) have become a little more uncomfortable.. Namely because of online sleuths and now mainstream reporters trying to dig into his digital past … Read moreWhen stardom meets the Internet: Ken Boned

The UFO files: Wikileaks unloads interesting document between John Podesta and an astronaut about ET life and space wars

So here is the tale of high strangeness… Donald Trump stuck his hair in his mouth and is battling his inner demons.. meanwhile Hillary Clinton is celebrating a moment she feels will make her president. And all the while, Wikileaks released some pretty rough information on her about giving speeches to rich people–not that you … Read moreThe UFO files: Wikileaks unloads interesting document between John Podesta and an astronaut about ET life and space wars


​The strange oddessy of political oddities continue in the United States.. Before long, we will know who is going to be the next president of the United States.. Only a few short weeks are remaining voters en masse go to polls. Some states are already allowing people to cast early ballots..  By Halloween of this … Read more WHEN THE CANDIDATE COMES TUMBLING DOWN