…a note to the pundits on TV trying to over-do the verdict: The jury did NOT say Casey was innocent.. they said ‘not guilty,’ which means the prosecution didn’t prove the case.. Now, as for that jury? …we’re still waiting for you to fill those 12 angry empty chairs and tell us why you decided … Read more
casey anthony
Black cloud over Florida..
There is currently drenching rain in Florida as reporters await a verdict in the Casey Anthony trial… Expect full scale media feeding frenzy when the half hour warning comes from the judge..
Casey Anthony’s Fourth of July: Her fate now in the jury’s hands
Another strange day in the Casey Anthony trial: Dad breaks down on the stand while stoic daughter looks on
Another strange day in the Casey Anthony trial: Dad breaks down on the stand while stoic daughter looks on
A poll on Casey Anthony
All eyes on Casey.. today’s Cindy Anthony reversal today was undoubtedly a shock to the prosecution and to everyone else following the events.
The moment: Cindy Anthony on the stand today as she testified that she–not Casey–searched for some strange things on the home computer.. It was stunning. Shocking..But a game changer? … just maybe
INSANITY OUTSIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE.. While the defense of Casey Anthony inside the court was busy arguing that the smell from the car was trash, both words and punches were hurled outside by the crowd trying to get a seat in the court room..
A good day? Strange day in Florida as a paternity test question halts court.. Before that, a witness said that duct tape found on Caylee Anthony was contaminated a lab tech.. This case continues to be constantly riveting.
I think Nancy Grace is downright crazy.
Really.But somehow her coverage of Casey Anthony is addictive. Like all vices, we know it’s bad for us.. but we watch anyway..