CELL PHONE DANGERS REVEALED! But .. not revealed. It was held…

CELL PHONE DANGERS REVEALED! But .. not revealed. It was held secret and in draft form until recently.. As the SAN FRAN CBS affiliate reports, After keeping it hidden for years, California’s Department of Public Health has released a draft document outlining health officials’ concerns about cellphone radiation exposure. The previously unpublished document was released … Read moreCELL PHONE DANGERS REVEALED! But .. not revealed. It was held…

CDC DEBATE: The agency’s website previously had said that any risks “likely are comparable to other lifestyle choices we make every day.” Within weeks, though, the C.D.C. reversed course. It no longer recommended caution, and deleted a passage specifically addressing potential risks for children. Mainstream scientific consensus holds that there is little to no evidence that cellphone signals raise the risk of brain cancer or other health problems; rather, behaviors like texting while driving are seen as the real health concerns. Nevertheless, more than 500 pages of internal records obtained by The New York Times, along with interviews with former agency officials, reveal a debate and some disagreement among scientists and health agencies about what guidance to give as the use of mobile devices skyrockets.

CDC DEBATE: The agency’s website previously had said that any risks “likely are comparable to other lifestyle choices we make every day.” Within weeks, though, the C.D.C. reversed course. It no longer recommended caution, and deleted a passage specifically addressing potential risks for children. Mainstream scientific consensus holds that there is little to no evidence that … Read moreCDC DEBATE: The agency’s website previously had said that any risks “likely are comparable to other lifestyle choices we make every day.” Within weeks, though, the C.D.C. reversed course. It no longer recommended caution, and deleted a passage specifically addressing potential risks for children. Mainstream scientific consensus holds that there is little to no evidence that cellphone signals raise the risk of brain cancer or other health problems; rather, behaviors like texting while driving are seen as the real health concerns. Nevertheless, more than 500 pages of internal records obtained by The New York Times, along with interviews with former agency officials, reveal a debate and some disagreement among scientists and health agencies about what guidance to give as the use of mobile devices skyrockets.

The Quiet Zone in West Virginia–where cell phones and WIFI are nonexistent for 13,000 square miles..

There are no physical signs you’ve entered the National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square-mile area that covers the eastern half of West Virginia. Interesting.. There is a lot  of ‘noise’ .. but real and white noise. Sometimes you can almost feel the electronic bursts of WIFI and cell towers flowing through your body like a … Read moreThe Quiet Zone in West Virginia–where cell phones and WIFI are nonexistent for 13,000 square miles..

Can you hear me now?

Not so shocking, but interesting that the WHO is coming to grips with piles of science that has already sounded alarm bells over cell phone radiation.. It may cause cancer … May. World Health Organization has declared the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones to be “possibly carcinogenic to humans.. Some don’t agree that cell phones are possibly carcinogenic..